The Refugees Keep Coming
The Colonisation of Scotland Has Begun
With Media Approval
There seems to be no end to the number of media stories supporting the importation of Syrian refugees into Scotland over recent weeks. The TV stations, national radio, local radio, national newspapers, regional newspapers, local newspapers, all are geared up to promoting 'feel-good' stories about refugees arriving in Scotland. The news reports are full of 'feel-good' pictures and interviews with political activists, refugee support workers and local Kirk volunteers, all hell-bent on settling the Syrians in their neighbourhoods. Anyone who expresses opposition to the arrival of refugees and asylum-seekers is labelled as 'racist' or 'bigots'.
The media actually supports the colonisation and settlement of non-Europeans in Scotland, and ignores the possible and likely future problems this is going to cause in the long term.
The number of organisations sponsored by either the Scottish government or by Left-wing political alliances continues to grow and some are even being funded by Holyrood.
How many ordinary Scots have actually heard of the
Syrian Vulnerable Peoples Relocation Scheme ?
Remember that when you are turned down for a crisis loan or tax credits.
Facebook - Scotland BM Alba has run a number of illustrated reports on the media backed campaign to bring Syrian refugees into Scotland.
The Guardian newspaper Saturday 28th November 2015
In a two page, broadsheet article the Guardian highlighted the settlement of the first 50 Syrians in Paisley, and gave fulsome praise to the self-styled Renfrewshire Refugee Support Group.
On-line opposition to this by locally based members of the Scottish Defence League was described in the article as
"Are these attacks mere posturing or do they represent a genuine threat?"
So as far as the Guardian and pro-refugee groups are concerned, opposition and resistance to the importation and settlement of Syrian refugees in Scottish towns and cities is
"a threat".
Opposition to the colonisation of Scotland by Syrian and other non-European asylum-seekers and migrants is legitimate political activity, but the liberals, Left-wingers and fellow-travellers want to con the British public into believing that such opposition is not acceptable.
The Guardian reproduced this edition of the front page of the Paisley Daily Express and declared that it had
"exposed local bigotry against incoming refugees." |