Into July 2019 - In Glasgow Mainstream Politicians Want To Give Failed Asylum-Seekers A Free Ride.
The Labour Party And SNP In Glasgow Wants To Grant 'Citizenship To 300 Failed Asylum-Seekers That The Home Office Has Rejected And Serco Plans To Evict.
These images appeared in the Glasgow Evening Times on July 4th in a report about the politicians in the city who were opposing the eviction of the failed asylum-seekers and calling for a 'general amnesty'. |
The BM Scotland blog has reported several times about the situation in Glasgow where 300 or more failed asylum-seekers are currently living at tax-payer's expense in housing controlled by the company Serco. In previous blogs it was reported that Serco plan to evict all those who are not entitled to remain in the United Kingdom.
Now the Scottish Labour MP for Glasgow North-East Paul Sweeney has stated that he wants the Home Office to grant a "general amnesty" for all asylum-seekers in the city and grant them a blanket 'leave to remain'. Not to be outdone, SNP MP Chris Stephens has called for Serco and the Home Office to cancel all the evictions and give the asylum-seekers citizenship.
Across Glasgow the assorted forces of the political Left, Liberal Democrats and Greens are all taking the side of the failed, (Yes, failed) asylum-seekers against the Home Office and Serco.
Meanwhile the SNP Continues To Blaze A Shambolic Trail Across Scottish Domestic Politics.
"Labour Don't Have Any Idea How Public Finances Work" - the man said, so no wonder that the Labour Party in Scotland is now running in fourth place - how far have the mighty fallen?
In Scotland These Values Still Matter !