Keep Scotland British !
Tell the SNP to 'Shove-It!'
The First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is now fantasising about wrecking Brexit and a Second Indy vote
A Little Sample From The Mainstream Newspapers
SNP Turning Somersaults Over Alex Salmond (again)
So smiling Alex Salmond has walked away with a cash bonus after the latest round of court room nonsense and surely by now his former colleague, the mighty First Minister Nicola Sturgeon can see which way the next round of court hearings is going to go?
Many BM Scotland supporters have predicted all along that Alex Salmond will give the sexual offences charges a body-swerve and he will walk from court as free as a bird.
The SNP certainly knows how to pick them...
Defending the Union ?
Meanwhile Aberdeen city councillors are considering passing all the policing and organisational costs for the recent pro-Indy demonstrations in the city centre back to the protest organisers; a nice little £4,000 bill for the pro-Indy (AUOB) All Under One Banner.
We Said It Before
And We Say It Again..
More SNP Success - Perhaps the Scottish NHS After Indy 2?