Wednesday 31 July 2024

The Island of Torsa - will it become Scotland's first 'independent Islamic state?'

    The Island of Torsa - will it become Scotland's                first 'independent Islamic state?

And the political Left like to claim that 'Diversity is our strength'

So what about this?

Hate cleric masterminds £3million Islamic homeland to execute Sharia law on UK island

A cleric who has been accused of spreading hate has raised over £3million to buy a remote island off the west coast of Scotland and turn it into his own Islamic state

Also this

  • A CONTROVERSIAL Muslim cleric plans to buy a remote Scots island and turn it into his own ‘Islamic State’. Reports yesterday claimed Sheikh Yasser al-Habib, 45 and his followers called the Mahdi [Messiah] Servants Union are in advanced talks to buy the isle of Torsa, in Argyll for £3million.

NOTE: As this blog goes out - the authorities at Holyrood and at Westminster appear to have been forced into action by all the negative media coverage and the current owner of Torsa is backing out of the sale to Yasser Al-Habbib. So far.......

Is this man still going to be the new Laird of Torsa?

Sheikh Yasser Al-Habbib

Apparently Yasser Al-Habbib came to the United Kingdom from Kuwait as a political and religious 'refugee'. He was granted asylum by the British government and set up his headquarters in Buckinghamshire.
All the video footage circulating on the internet and social media shows the uniformed Islamist followers of the Sheikh practicing para-military drill and training. 
Strange but the UK authorities seem to ignore the terms of the Public Order Act 1936 and the Public Order Act 1986 which forbids such para-military activity and the organising of such private militias in England, Wales and Scotland.

Apparently the assorted UK police forces and the Home Office have always been keen to investigate, arrest and prosecute British National Socialists for wearing 'political uniforms' but it seems that Yasser's private militia is fine.

BM Scotland will keep an eye on the Torsa situation - we feel that the story is not over yet.


Scottish Reds On an Away-Day to London

The image below has appeared on a number of Left-wing social media sites.
This motley crew of self-styled 'anti-fascists', cultural Marxists and social justice warriors dug into their collective funds and travelled down to London on Saturday July 27th to oppose the mass gathering of patriots, civic Nationalists and concerned British citizens in Trafalgar Square.

Apparently such gatherings of regular British people together with a sprinkling of some non-white pro-British individuals has to be opposed and was worth travelling a few hundred miles south to 'defend diversity and multiculturalism'.

The Real British Folk reject cultural Marxism and support British racial Nationalism and British National Socialism.

Thursday 25 July 2024

BM Scotland Says - God Help Grangemouth!

 BM SCOTLAND Says 'God Help Grangemouth (and Falkirk) 

Scotland's Oil and Gas Industry is subject to SNP led policies, and some sources suggest that this could lead to a falling out between Holyrood and Whitehall.

It could also lead to massive job losses in Grangemouth and Falkirk.


Back in the 1970's the SNP used to campaign under the slogan, "It's Scotland's Oil!"

Back then the oil and gas reserves in the North Sea were the key to Scottish independence, the oil and gas off Scotland's north-east coast would not only fund Scotland as an independent country but would under pin its economy for generations. So what happened?  Has the SNP forgotten all that?

All those determined speeches from SNP campaigners across the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's about Scotland's share of the oil and gas exploration and refineries in places like Grangemouth and Aberdeen, not counting all the on-shore support and repair bases and down Scotland's North Sea coast, along the Moray Firth and up into Shetland and Orkney.

The new Labour government in Westminster have the lacklustre 'expert' politician Ed Miliband as Secretary of State for Energy, which includes all the left of centre initiatives towards 'Net-Zero' and other 'Green and Eco' policies on energy.

The oil refinery facilities between Grangemouth and Falkirk have been operating and generating jobs in the area for almost 100 years.

The SNP/Scottish  government has a so-called 'expert body' operating to research and direct future energy generation for Scotland and the proposed move away from fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. This is the strangely titled, 'Just Transition Commission' < no that is nothing to do with trans-sexual gender identity>.

Last year the owners of the Grangemouth oil refineries the Petroineos company announced that it would cease operations in 2025 at the earliest. A move that could not only mean over 500 jobs lost, but it could also affect oil supplies in Scotland and across the whole UK.

So much for energy security for Scotland.

The Scottish (acting) Energy Secretary Gillian Martin is supposedly working in a "one team approach" with Ed Miliband and the co-chair of the Just Transition Commission Mr Satwat Rehman, on resolving and developing the future of Scotland's energy industry and the future development of the refineries sites at Grangemouth.

The suggested 'Green' policy is to replace the Grangemouth refineries with a 'fuel import terminal' or to build a new 'Green' and Eco-friendly processing facility to create 'plant based bio-fuels'.

But none of the above ideas have gone beyond discussions and future plans by the SNP government for a "positive strategic reset" on energy policy involving both Holyrood and Westminster.


Although the SNP were hammered in the General Election at the start of July, the SNP is still in charge of Scotland's devolved government and directs policy and spending from Holyrood.

In a previous BM Scotland report this website highlighted the tax-payer funded SNP fantasy of having a 'Scottish Embassy' in assorted countries.

 It seems that delusion of grandeur continues and the SNP government maintains a high value suite of offices in Brussels, 'Scotland House' as a staffed operation connecting to the European Parliament even though Scotland is not part of the EU and has no MEP's.

This vanity project costs the Scottish tax payer - £8  million per year.

The SNP directed International Offices operate in nine countries at a cost to Scotland's budget of £7 million per year to cover staffing and running costs.

Could that money not be better spent back here in Scotland?

Tuesday 9 July 2024

BM Scotland: The Aftermath of the 2024 General Election. What Now?

BM SCOTLAND: The Aftermath of the 2024 General Election. What Now? 

The General Election result - what it means for Scotland.

The SNP took a kicking and their presence at Westminster has  been reduced from 48 seats to a mere group of 9 MP's in the House of Commons.

Given that the opening lines in the SNP manifesto for the General Election were all focussed on Scottish Independence and the SNP actually believed their claim that a vote for an SNP candidate was a vote for independence - so with so many votes lost by the SNP what does that tell them?

Unfortunately the majority of those lost SNP seats have been taken by Scottish Labour and the dominant majority of Scottish seats in the House of Commons now answer to Anas Sarwar and Sir Keir Starmer.

One of the best features of live TV coverage was seeing Nicola Sturgeon squirming in her seat as the results were coming through, typically she said 'Don't Blame me!'

The SNP losses have cost the party financially, the funding from Westminster to the SNP has been massively cut perhaps by as much as £6 million. There are rumours that as a political party the SNP is close to bankruptcy.

But the SNP are still living in a dream world.

Pictured above:   SNP leader and First Minister of Scotland John Swinney looking suitably disheartened by the loss of 38 SNP seats at Westminster.

Last week in the run up to the General Election - when interviewed as part of the election campaign, SNP leader John Swinney stated that not only was he confident of SNP success but looking forward to the Scottish elections in 2026, he stated, that as leader and First Minister of Scotland, he was, "here to stay to 2026 and beyond..."

After the General Election debacle for the SNP, John Swinney is still fixed on winning back seats for Holyrood in 2026 and pushing for independence, which proves that the SNP do not listen.



What Scotland really needs is a complete from left-wing political agendas. Not just the failures of the SNP, but a break from the Greens and their cultural Marxist eco-babble. A break from the soft-left wokery of the Liberal Democrats and Scottish Labour, as well as kicking the Tories into touch.

Scotland must look hard at the toxic impact of mass immigration and multiculturalism that is going on in England and to a leer extent in Wales. A toxic impact that is now establishing itself in parts of Scotland and across the water is creeping into Ulster.

The White British need to come together and stand united against cultural Marxism the Great Replacement before it is too late.