British Movement SCOTLAND:
Glasgow The Paedophile Gang are a Sick Stain on all Scottish Society.
This is what human garbage looks like......
Why are some of these degenerates smiling (or smirking) in their Police Scotland mugshots?
All of Scotland must be aware of this case which came to a close this week.
Here we reproduce some of the press coverage from the Daily Record and the Scotsman, all of which raise many, many questions and Scotland as a whole, needs answers.
"Horrific Glasgow paedophile ring shows how Scotland fails vulnerable children"
"The seven members of one of Scotland's biggest child sex abuse rings have been given life-long sentences and warned that they may never be released.
Three victims under the age of 13 were subjected to horrific sexual abuse and violence in a Glasgow drug den dubbed "the beastie house" over a seven-year period.
Police said the children had suffered "unimaginable abuse", with the offences including rape, attempted murder and assault.
Iain Owens, 46; Elaine Lannery, 40; Lesley Williams, 43; Paul Brannan, 42; Scott Forbes, 51; Barry Watson, 48, and John Clark, 49, were jailed for between eight and 20 years and handed orders for lifelong restriction (OLRs).
These orders are reserved for the most serious court cases in Scotland which do not involve murder, and mean the individual will either be in prison or on parole for the rest of their life."
Or this.......
"Members of Glasgow paedophile gang guilty of running 'monstrous' child sex abuse ring
In what the NSPCC called one of the worst cases in recent decades, the trial was told primary school-aged children were plied with alcohol and cocaine while being subjected to a campaign of sexual depravity, including group rapes, at various properties.
The SNP Government has been accused of presiding over "catastrophic failure" after seven members of a child sex ring were locked up for a total of 94 years.
Three victims under the age of 13 were subjected to a catalogue of horrific sexual abuse and violence at a filthy drug den in Townhead, Glasgow, over a seven year period from 2012.
Seven members of the ring were finally sentenced this week for subjecting the youngsters to years of abuse at a hell-hole flat dubbed "the beastie house"."
The SNP Government has been accused of presiding over "catastrophic failure" after seven members of a child sex ring were locked up for a total of 94 years.
Three victims under the age of 13 were subjected to a catalogue of horrific sexual abuse and violence at a filthy drug den in Townhead, Glasgow, over a seven year period from 2012.
Seven members of the ring were finally sentenced this week for subjecting the youngsters to years of abuse at a hell-hole flat dubbed "the beastie house".
The three children were on the radar of authorities from July 2018 when they were added to Glasgow City Council's child protection register.
Continue reading
One was a girl who was said to run wild in her community in the north of Glasgow. She was described as gaunt and the worst case of head lice an expert had seen in her 30-year career."
Police Scotland’s investigation started in 2020, but the children had been added to Glasgow City Council’s child protection register two years previously in July 2018. It was only because a man who had come to know the children through his work and church blew the whistle that the authorities started to investigate.
It does not matter which version of the case or which report you read - it is all bad and speaks for itself.
"The Scottish Government’s much-vaunted initiative, The Promise, which was set up to “support people and organisations” to “foster change” in the care system, has been criticised for being nothing more than expensive window dressing. An investigation by the Ferret last year revealed almost a third of its £6 million budget had been spent on PR firms, consultants and “plush central Edinburgh offices”
"Two girls and a boy were violently and sexually assaulted on multiple occasions between 2012 and 2019.
The trial heard that the gang would hold "rape nights" and "dance and sex nights" in a squalid flat in Glasgow that was frequented by drug users.
A girl was raped by members of the gang while she was still young enough to wear a nappy.
She described the flat as the "dark and scary beastie house" because she had been locked in a cupboard with a box that was full of spiders.
The girl was also shut in an oven and a fridge and was forced to eat dog food.
An older boy and girl were also subjected to savage beatings and sexual violence.
Members of the gang also used Class A drugs in front of the children and caused them to consume alcohol and drugs.
The trial heard that the children first came into contact with social work in Glasgow in August 2017 and were deemed to be at risk in July 2018.
But the allegations of violence and sexual abuse did not come to light until March 2020."
Scum like these should have faced the death penalty.
They are worthy of life.
Glasgow, indeed all of Scotland would be a better place without them polluting the air by breathing.
Certain Left-wing commentators have pounced on this evil outrage to deflect attention away from the Asian Grooming - Rape gangs
Hardly surprising that some Left-wing political mouth pieces have been sounding off this week, claiming that the 'Far-Right' are not commenting on the Glasgow paedophile trial because the accused are not Pakistani Muslims. And because the accused are White, 'racists' won't mention the case. WRONG AS USUAL !
It is also worth noting that Heroin and other 'Class A' drugs were part of this disgusting story.
At the very least, those supplying these dregs of society with drugs should be jailed for life alongside these examples of human garbage.
BRITISH MOVEMENT has always been against the use and sale of illegal drugs, these narcotics poison our nation and corrupt the poorest levels of British society, Scotland unfortunately has one of the worst records in Western Europe when it comes to drug deaths and addiction.