Monday 14 October 2024

BM Scotland: - The Fourteen Words Are Just as Important in Scotland.

 BM SCOTLAND: - The Fourteen Words are Just as Important in Scotland as in England, or Wales or Northern Ireland.

A British Movement Campaign Nationwide

Although most of Scotland has so far escaped the worst incursions of Third World immigration and multiculturalism, unlike the greater parts of England, some regions of Wales and more recently some parts of Northern Ireland, the threat is there are is creeping into some parts of Scotland. 
The impact of non-white immigration and colonisation in parts of Scotland is already evident in parts of Glasgow and across some towns and cities of the Central Belt. Plus the likes of Dundee and Aberdeen. The steady drip of non-white colonisation is now starting to affect the Highlands and islands, check out Inverness and 'asylum seekers' in places like Fort William.
The need to counter this threat to Scotland's future generations, BM Scotland is supporting whole- heartedly the British Movement campaign to push the Fourteen words out into the public consciousness - to make the slogan immediately recognised and understood.

Meanwhile in recent weeks.....
Human Trafficking in Scotland?

What is going on?  News media reports of Police Scotland raids on premises in Dundee and Paisley involved in human trafficking.  

Brothels in Paisley and Dundee where young women have been 'imported' from south-east Asia to work as prostitutes and sex slaves in Scotland. And that is the news that has been allowed to be reported, some sources suggest that this is an even bigger problem in Scotland.

Meanwhile 'Operation Branchform' - the investigation into the financial 'irregularities' in the SNP continues to drag on. 

There are reports leaking out that investigators from Police Scotland are becoming increasingly frustrated by the slow pace of the investigation.

**** Alex Salmond Dies - So What Will Happen to the Alba Party?

As this blog goes out - the news comes through of the death of the career Scottish politician and independence obsessed campaigner Alex Salmond.

His legal battles with the Scottish government and with the party hierarchy of the SNP, resulting from his court cases and failed prosecutions around allegations of sexual misconduct were still going through the legal system.

Plus there was still plenty of animosity between Alex Salmond and the leadership of the SNP, both past and present, especially Nicola Sturgeon.

His recent political party the Alba Party has now lost its most experienced and high profile politician. So what now for the Alba Party?

BNSM Scotland - Telegram 

Saturday 5 October 2024

UNDER THE SUNWHEEL - September 2024 - British Movement podcast.



A Special Edition of the British Movement podcast: 

Celebrating the life and legacy of Ian Stuart Donaldson

Listen now or watch on Odysee or BM Northern region - links are below.

Tuesday 24 September 2024



Ian Stuart Donaldson - songwriter, musician, British racial Nationalist activist - passed from this world September 24th 1993.


Thursday 19 September 2024

Glasgow: George Square on September 7th - Pro-UK Rally Brought Out the Real Face of the Political Left.

 GLASGOW - George Square 'Pro-United Kingdom' and Anti-immigration rally - Saturday 7th September. So what went on?

That was almost a couple of weeks ago now, the dust has settled and plenty of video footage from the day is now in public circulation. Glasgow Live even provided a running commentary together with images and video footage.

Prior to the day there was no shortage of mouthing off from Left-wing 'spokespersons' their justification for trying to block the pro-UK rally....

"Talat Ahmed, SUTR Scotland convenor said: "Our rally is about celebrating and defending multiculturalism and diversity and saying loud and clear that refugees are welcome here and aren't to blame for the problems in society. And that the far right, with their toxic politics of hate and division, are not welcome in Scotland."

Linda Somerville, STUC Deputy General Secretary, said: “We have long warned that the far-right poses a dangerous threat in the UK, spreading racist hate amongst communities that are often marginalised and under-resourced. The cruel impacts of austerity, compounded by the drip feed of anti-migrant rhetoric from parts of the media and some politicians have created these conditions.

"Trade unions have a long history of defending our communities against fascists and racists and will proudly join the rally in Glasgow to show racists that they have no place here.”

On the day there was no shortage of wild, slogan shouting from the assembled forces of the militant Left, plenty of speeches filled with wild exaggerations and the usual sessions of infantile chanting by Left wing activists.

There were activists from  assorted Marxist organisations, activists from a range of well funded anti-racism and self-styled anti-fascist organisations, mainstream politicians from the SNP, Labour Party and Scottish Greens, Trade Unions, and plenty of social justice activists standing up for Gaza, LGBT rights, pro-asylum-seeker, pro-immigration and all shouting abuse at the loyal, Unionist White British Scots assembled to oppose immigration and support the Union. !

One prominent left wing/anti-sectarian academic from Glasgow University got so carried away in her ranting speech that she was later reported to Police Scotland for 'Hate' speech.

Meanwhile the Scottish mainstream media reported on the day......

Glasgow City Council leader Susan Aitken told BBC News neither Scotland nor Glasgow were "immune to the far right".

She added: "The turnout of people who are here to resist them and more importantly come with a really positive message about diversity and unity in a city like Glasgow - which is Scotland's most diverse city - is a far bigger number."

Glasgow Live reported on the events of the day and it was clear from their wording where their reporters stood politically:

Hundreds of people descended on Glasgow’s George Square in an anti-racism counter protest amid ‘pro-UK’ demonstrators gathering today.

The September 7 event hit headlines last month when extremist Tommy Robinson promoted it as a ‘pro-UK’ rally, following outbreaks of violence in England, in the wake of the murder of three schoolgirls in Southport, on July 29.

The Daily Record reports several hundred anti-immigration protesters gathering in the city centre today from noon, with hundreds more turning out to support Stand Up to Racism.

A large police presence separated both groups, and kettled a group of men dressed in black as well as a number of anti-racism protesters. Officers also attended on horseback and riot vans have been spotted at the scene.

As of 2pm, reports suggest that pro-UK protesters are beginning to disperse while Stand Up To Racism speakers continue to address the crowds, including Patrick Harvie, co-leader of the Scottish Greens.

Speaking ahead of today’s events, Harvie said: "There should be no place in Glasgow or Scotland for the toxic mix of fear, hate and division that the far right promotes. The violence and criminality we saw from them across the rest of the UK last month was shameful and must never be allowed to take root here.

"Glasgow’s a multicultural city with a long, proud history of standing up against the far right. We saw it when the English Defence League tried to stir up hate, we saw it when residents stood up to the Home Office at Kenmure Street, and we’re seeing it again here today.

The reference to "men dressed in black" is a watered down account of the arrival of a masked and militant mob of Celtic FC - 'Ultras'  and the 'Green Brigade', plus a few additional thugs from AntiFa.

The reference to Kenmure Street was the near riot situation a couple of years ago when in broad day light a large leftist mob together with a large 'ethnic minority' crowd prevented the arrest and detention of two illegal immigrants. 

The Home Office team and officers from Police Scotland gave in to the mob pressure and released the two illegal immigrants back into the community and the Left hailed this as a victory.  BM Scotland reported on this at the time.

And the speakers at the 'anti-racism' rally should at least get their facts straight - the EDL (English Defence League) folded as an organisation almost ten years ago.

Pictured above: The usual well meaning social justice advocates who have little knowledge as to what those they oppose actually believe.


This is all the 'Diversity' that Scotland needs..

Meanwhile in the same week as the Gorge square rallies:

September 2024


Traffic blocked, fireworks going off in the middle of the street, Syrian flags being waved by some drivers, swords being waved about by some drivers and lots of singing and chanting in Arabic!

No mass turnout by Police Scotland even though there is a large operational police station just down the road from where this was happening!

So what was going on?

More 'Diversity' and 'Cultural Enrichment' ?



Tuesday 17 September 2024



THE SNP CONTINUES TO STRUGGLE - Scotland Needs a Radical Political Alternative to the SNP, to the rotating dictatorship of Conservative and Labour Parties, to the Liberal Democrats, to the Scottish Greens and assorted parties of the Left - it needs  British National Socialism!

SNP membership is in steady decline, and over the past year the SNP has lost over 10,000 members and since 2019, SNP total membership has halved.

That is a massive decline in support, plus voter support for the SNP has crashed.

Even the SNP leadership are starting to admit what is happening, and a recent statement by the former MP for Glasgow South, Stewart McDonald,  " I don't think it is possible to overstate the scale of the challenge we are facing as a party."

Scottish voters look at what years of SNP politics at Holyrood has done (or failed to do) for Scotland. Plus the scandals within the SNP; the Police Scotland investigation into SNP finances continues, the arrest of Peter Murrell, former SNP chief executive, the resignation of Nicola Sturgeon, who is still under investigation, the failures of Humza Yousaf, the £11,000 ipad bill for former SNP health secretary Michael Matheson. None of it looks good.

And the ferries scandal, the state of Scottish education, the state of NHS Scotland and the Scottish economy is in crisis as is the Holyrood budget.


Grangemouth and Falkirk Refineries - Remember what BM Scotland said a couple of months ago?  

Now it is being confirmed by both the Scottish government and the Westminster government

At least 400 jobs will be lost possibly more, all sacrificed on the altar of Net-Zero.

This is what the mainstream media have had to say:


Scotland’s only oil refinery Grangemouth to CLOSE with 400 jobs axed as governments ‘failed to step up to the plate’

SCOTLAND’s only oil refinery will close after months of desperate attempts to try to save it - with 400 jobs set to go at the plant.

The Petroineos plant at Grangemouth, Falkirk, will stop operations next year, the parent company announced today, ending hopes it could continue following government efforts to secure its future.

It follows UK and Scottish ministers spending £1million to fund a study into how to keep it open.

Energy Secretary Ed Miliband previously said the UK Government would "leave no stone unturned" to ensure a future for Grangemouth.

But Petroineos said today the oil refinery will become a “finished fuels import terminal” by mid-2025.

Both governments also announced today an extra £20million would be funnelled into the area - alongside £80million previously committed in March - to help boost jobs in the region.

£10million will come from the Scottish Government’s “Greener Grangemouth” programme, while another £10million will help pay for local energy projects with UK Government cash.

And it follows UK and Scottish ministers spending £1.5million to fund a study into how to keep it open.

The Grangemouth complex is Scotland’s biggest industrial site and employs over 2,000 people across oil and petrochemicals work.

It produces 80 per cent of Scotland's fuel, makes up four per cent of our GDP and eight per cent of manufacturing."

And yet more hand-wringing by the media.....


"Energy Secretary Ed Miliband previously said the UK Government would "leave no stone unturned" to ensure a future for Grangemouth."

The Grangemouth complex is Scotland’s biggest industrial site and employs over 2,000 people across oil and petrochemicals work.
It produces 80 per cent of Scotland's fuel, makes up four per cent of our GDP and eight per cent of manufacturing.
It is the main supplier of aviation fuel and provides petrol and diesel across the Central Belt.
The holding firm is a joint venture between Chinese state-owned PetroChina and London-based Ineos, owned by billionaire Jim Ratcliffe.
Scottish Government-commissioned experts said in July said a failure to plan had left Grangemouth unprotected from the impact of the refinery’s closure.
The refinery was first open in the 1920s before shifting into petrochemicals in the 1950s.
The two governments are also promising support for workers who face losing their jobs, while Project Willow - which was previously set up by the two administrations to look at future prospects for the site - is said to have identified three credible options.
This could mean Grangemouth transitions to focus on either low-carbon hydrogen, clean eFuels, or sustainable aviation fuels.
Mr Miliband meanwhile pledged: “We will stand with the workforce in these difficult times.
“That is why we are announcing a package of investment to help the workforce find good, alternative jobs, invest in the community and serve a viable industrial future for the Grangemouth site, with potential for future support from the National Wealth Fund.
“Unlike in the past, the Government is working in lockstep with the Scottish Government across every front."

So that is interesting - the Petroineos company is owned by the Chinese State, why is it not owned by a Scottish consortium or a major British company at least?

And notice the wording from Ed Miliband, he uses the phrase "working in lockstep"
the term "lockstep" is straight out of the wording of the World Economic Forum (WEF).  So who exactly benefits from closing down Grangemouth?

"Grangemouth job losses could only be the tip of the iceberg if both the Scottish and UK government fail to reverse a ban on oil and gas, ministers have been told in a scathing letter.
Louise Gilmour, the GMB union's Scotland Secretary, has criticised the lack of promised green energy jobs in a letter to UK Energy Secretary Ed Miliband and his acting Holyrood counterpart Gillian Martin.

Petroineos said the closure of Grangemouth was due to it being unable to compete with sites in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
The company said the decision would "safeguard fuel supply for Scotland" by converting the site into a terminal able to import petrol, diesel, aviation fuel and kerosene into Scotland - but would require a workforce of fewer than 100 employees compared to the current 475.
Petroineos stated that the size of the site meant that "high levels of capital expenditure each year" were spent on it, which outweighed the company's earnings.
Frank Demay, the company's CEO, said: "Demand for key fuels we produce at Grangemouth has already started to decline and, with a ban on new petrol and diesel cars due to come into force within the next decade, we foresee that the market for those fuels will shrink further.
"That reality, aligned with the cost of maintaining a refinery built half a century ago, means we are exploring ways to adapt our business.
“The action we are taking to create an import terminal will safeguard fuel supply for Scotland. We currently expect Grangemouth to be ready to operate as a national distribution hub for finished fuels in Q2 next year."
Between 250 to 280 of the redundancies are expected to occur in the three months after the plant closes, with 100 retained for between six to 12 months to help decommission and to build up the import business: , with a further 20 working on decommissioning and10 to manage demolition, which will continue until 2030.
20 jobs will go at Finnart on Loch Long, which is the pipeline terminal taking much of the Gulf of Mexico and South American crude oil.

So Scottish jobs, and a major Scottish industrial complex are being sacrificed in the interests of Net-Zero, the profit interests of foreign companies and the UK and Scottish government banning gas and oil. As the quoted article says, it will mean fewer jobs and Scotland will have to import diesel, petrol, aviation fuel and kerosene for years to come at greater expense to Scotland's economy!

Why is such a high value, strategic industrial facility in foreign ownership?

And Ed Miliband says that the Labour government will invest in helping the jobless refinery workforce find 'good, alternative jobs' - doing what?


Monday 9 September 2024

UNDER THE SUNWHEEL - British Movement Pod Cast - AUGUST 2024

 UNDER THE SUNWHEEL - British Movement Pod Cast - August 2024

Watch or listen now on Odysee or British Movement Northern region web site.



Friday 30 August 2024

September 7th 2024 - Anti-immigration Protests in Glasgow and the Militant Left Out to Stop Them.

 September 7th 2024- Anti-immigration Protests in Glasgow and the Militant Left are Out to Stop Them.

The anti-immigration rally in George Square, Glasgow is drawing the greatest amount of media attention and is the focus for generating hostility from the political Left. Of course some mainstream politicians are jumping on the bandwagon to denounce and smear a rally that seeks to challenge immigration, 'diversity' and multiculturalism.

NOTE: British Movement is not involved in organising these anti-immigration demonstrations but BM Scotland activists may well be present. We might not agree ideologically with those organising the rally, but BM is in agreement with the slogan "Enough is Enough" and BM is totally opposed to immigration and multiculturalism.

Of course newspaper and media headlines like the one below are intended to stir up leftist opposition. Some media outlets are bare faced in their hostility to the rally.

"Far right groups in Scotland using riots to recruit new members"

And this...

"How to join protests against far-right 'pro-UK' George Square rally"

 Across the UK the Far-Left and so-called 'progressives' and liberal social justice warriors have  been emboldened by the election of a Labour government, with a socialist Prime Minister and the added gift of a socialist Home Secretary, with a long record of active opposition to British Nationalism.

The assorted organisations of the political Left, the anti-racism campaigners, BLM and LGBTQ activists, the self-styled anti-fascists and pro-Irish Republicans in Scotland believe that they now have the political freedom to do whatever they feel is necessary to stop those that they are told are the 'Far-Right'.

The anti-immigration rally in central Glasgow on September 7th will bring together all those toxic political elements that champion 'diversity' and multiculturalism.

They are already making clear their intentions:

"The politics of hate and the far right rioters which we’ve seen mobilising across parts of England and the north of Ireland can never be welcome in Scotland."

Maggie Chapman, Scottish Greens MSP.

Susan Aitken said: “Glasgow City Council has received no notification of any rally but then we know Tommy Robinson and his ilk don’t really care about respecting laws or public places.

“He’s not welcome in Glasgow and neither is anyone who chooses to align with his poisonous rhetoric.”

The Scottish Refugee Council also shared information about the event, saying in a post on Twitter/X: “Join us in George Square, Glasgow, on September 7 to unite against racism and show the world that refugees are welcome here in Scotland.”

And more of the Cultural Marxist outpourings and provocation from the extreme Left.

"We can stop the far right and the fascists hoping to grow – but only if we break their confidence before they build. This is why we have called rallies against the far right across cities in Scotland this Saturday and a major anti-fascist and anti-racist counter demonstration in Glasgow on 7 September."

Talat Ahmed, convenor of Stand Up To Racism Scotland.

“Glasgow has always been the working class capital of Scotland. We have to be clear that racists are not welcome and are met with a massive response.”

The SUTR counter-protest is backed by the Scottish TUC union federation and the EIS, RMT, PCS, NASUWT, UCU, CWU, FBU, Unite and Unison unions in Scotland.

The mainstream media are obviously taking sides in this situation and the tone of their reporting makes that very clear...

"a rally in George Square under the Enough is Enough slogan used by far right extremist groups, violent rioters in England and hate mobs in Northern Ireland."

"Glasgow’s Enough is Enough rally will take place in George Square on Saturday 7 September. Protests held under the same banner in cities including Liverpool, Manchester, Belfast, Leeds, Nottingham and Hull saw criminal violence and disorder as police and businesses were attacked. Hundreds of arrests have been made in the last two weeks as a result of the riots that were quelled by a strong police response and counter-protests."

"A Scottish Government spokesman said: “The right to peaceful public assembly and freedom of expression are important rights to uphold, but they should never be used to justify any form of hateful, violent, intimidating or otherwise criminal behaviour. Police Scotland has powers under the Public Order Act 1986 to deal with any disorder arising and to ensure that public safety and order is maintained.”

Of course the leader of the Scottish Labour Party, Anas Sarwar is directly opposed to any type of anti-immigration events

"I have no doubt Glasgow will reject extremism at ‘pro-UK’ rally" – Sarwar

And this.....

"Every single time the far right has tried to do that in Glasgow, Glasgow has overwhelmingly rejected them"

Anas Sarwar, Scottish Labour

“I’m a son of Glasgow, I was born in Glasgow – Glasgow is my city,” he said.

“I know as a Glaswegian, that we have always had a view – we can’t be complacent, we can’t pretend that there aren’t issues here – but we’ve always been a city that regardless where you come from, regardless of where you were born, when you come here you’re one of us and we’re one Glasgow."

So this son of Pakistani immigrants to Scotland considers that no matter what country you come from, if you settle in Glasgow, you are a Glaswegian. That is not unlike a statement a few years ago by Nicola Sturgeon, at the time she was First Minister of Scotland, and said that not only were 'refugees' and 'asylum seekers' welcome in Scotland, but on day one of their arrival they were Scots!
Both statements by Sarwar, and Sturgeon are a slap in the face to those indigenous Scots who have roots in Alba that go back centuries. Tied to Scotland by Blood and Soil!


Humza Yousaf is, as expected, desperate to be quoted in the media and keen to be seen as still being  politically relevant, so has been making press statements and pushing out messages on X (Twitter)  like the one below....


Violence targeting police officers, the public, and mosques, all to drive forward the far-right's hateful ideology. Rhetoric is not enough. We need to take action against the far-right. I have asked the Home Secretary to use her powers to proscribe the English Defence League.

"In a letter to Home Secretary Yvette Cooper on Wednesday, former Scottish first minister Humza Yousaf urged her to proscribe the EDL and its “offshoots” under terrorism legislation, making it illegal to be a member of the groups."

***** Someone should point out to Humza Yousaf that the EDL went out of existence several years ago. But seriously, under terrorism legislation?

BUT - his appeal to Home Secretary Yvette Cooper is a classic Marxist/Communist tactic to declare your political opponents outlawed and ban them from existence.