Monday 10 May 2021

Remember Rudolf Hess: 80 years ago May 10th 1941 - Rudolf Hess crash landed his plane in Scotland.


80 Years Ago = May 10th 1941

Rudolf Hess crash landed his plane in Scotland when he made his single-handed peace mission to stop the war between Great Britain and Germany.

Rudolf Hess landed in Scotland, on farmland south of Glasgow, he was captured by local Home Guard and taken to Maryhill Barracks in Glasgow. He hoped to offer peace terms that the British government would accept and an armistice could be signed between Great Britain, the British Empire and Germany.

Winston Churchill refused to consider the peace terms brought by Hess and Churchill quickly arranged for Hess to be brought down to England for interrogation and isolation. Churchill had no wish to consider peace terms and ensured that Rudolf Hess was hidden away under heavy military guard until the end of the war in 1945.

The Hess Peace Mission has never been forgotten

Pictured above: The Rudolf Hess Memorial at Floors Farm - this privately paid for structure was built by British National Socialists in the early 1990's on the site where Rudolf Hess first landed on Scottish soil in May 1941.

Sadly in November 1993, a left-wing mob led by self-styled 'Anti-Nazi League' activists travelled out to the site together with a team of mainstream media journalists and a TV film crew, where this monument was smashed with a sledge-hammer and the wreaths trampled.

Although the ANaL vandals and media henchmen entered the land uninvited (trespass), and committed a violent act of criminal damage on camera, charges were never brought.

A Sad End to the Life of Rudolf Hess

His Peace Mission was ignored and he spent the rest of his life a prisoner

16,899 days a prisoner was his reward for trying to end the conflict between Britain and Germany - how many lives could his mission have saved?

1 comment:


    In other news, I see the Glasgow-based pro-Union Independent Green Voice party (IGV) is under attack by the MSM and antifa after depriving the phony pro-Indy "Scottish Green Party" of 2 seats in the Scottish elections. Interestingly, the IGV candidates included two former BNP members and the IGV leader has questioned the alleged "Holocaust" during the Brothers' War.

    BM/BNSM is the genuine Green Party of NS Blood and Soil!
