Thursday 19 September 2024

Glasgow: George Square on September 7th - Pro-UK Rally Brought Out the Real Face of the Political Left.

 GLASGOW - George Square 'Pro-United Kingdom' and Anti-immigration rally - Saturday 7th September. So what went on?

That was almost a couple of weeks ago now, the dust has settled and plenty of video footage from the day is now in public circulation. Glasgow Live even provided a running commentary together with images and video footage.

Prior to the day there was no shortage of mouthing off from Left-wing 'spokespersons' their justification for trying to block the pro-UK rally....

"Talat Ahmed, SUTR Scotland convenor said: "Our rally is about celebrating and defending multiculturalism and diversity and saying loud and clear that refugees are welcome here and aren't to blame for the problems in society. And that the far right, with their toxic politics of hate and division, are not welcome in Scotland."

Linda Somerville, STUC Deputy General Secretary, said: “We have long warned that the far-right poses a dangerous threat in the UK, spreading racist hate amongst communities that are often marginalised and under-resourced. The cruel impacts of austerity, compounded by the drip feed of anti-migrant rhetoric from parts of the media and some politicians have created these conditions.

"Trade unions have a long history of defending our communities against fascists and racists and will proudly join the rally in Glasgow to show racists that they have no place here.”

On the day there was no shortage of wild, slogan shouting from the assembled forces of the militant Left, plenty of speeches filled with wild exaggerations and the usual sessions of infantile chanting by Left wing activists.

There were activists from  assorted Marxist organisations, activists from a range of well funded anti-racism and self-styled anti-fascist organisations, mainstream politicians from the SNP, Labour Party and Scottish Greens, Trade Unions, and plenty of social justice activists standing up for Gaza, LGBT rights, pro-asylum-seeker, pro-immigration and all shouting abuse at the loyal, Unionist White British Scots assembled to oppose immigration and support the Union. !

One prominent left wing/anti-sectarian academic from Glasgow University got so carried away in her ranting speech that she was later reported to Police Scotland for 'Hate' speech.

Meanwhile the Scottish mainstream media reported on the day......

Glasgow City Council leader Susan Aitken told BBC News neither Scotland nor Glasgow were "immune to the far right".

She added: "The turnout of people who are here to resist them and more importantly come with a really positive message about diversity and unity in a city like Glasgow - which is Scotland's most diverse city - is a far bigger number."

Glasgow Live reported on the events of the day and it was clear from their wording where their reporters stood politically:

Hundreds of people descended on Glasgow’s George Square in an anti-racism counter protest amid ‘pro-UK’ demonstrators gathering today.

The September 7 event hit headlines last month when extremist Tommy Robinson promoted it as a ‘pro-UK’ rally, following outbreaks of violence in England, in the wake of the murder of three schoolgirls in Southport, on July 29.

The Daily Record reports several hundred anti-immigration protesters gathering in the city centre today from noon, with hundreds more turning out to support Stand Up to Racism.

A large police presence separated both groups, and kettled a group of men dressed in black as well as a number of anti-racism protesters. Officers also attended on horseback and riot vans have been spotted at the scene.

As of 2pm, reports suggest that pro-UK protesters are beginning to disperse while Stand Up To Racism speakers continue to address the crowds, including Patrick Harvie, co-leader of the Scottish Greens.

Speaking ahead of today’s events, Harvie said: "There should be no place in Glasgow or Scotland for the toxic mix of fear, hate and division that the far right promotes. The violence and criminality we saw from them across the rest of the UK last month was shameful and must never be allowed to take root here.

"Glasgow’s a multicultural city with a long, proud history of standing up against the far right. We saw it when the English Defence League tried to stir up hate, we saw it when residents stood up to the Home Office at Kenmure Street, and we’re seeing it again here today.

The reference to "men dressed in black" is a watered down account of the arrival of a masked and militant mob of Celtic FC - 'Ultras'  and the 'Green Brigade', plus a few additional thugs from AntiFa.

The reference to Kenmure Street was the near riot situation a couple of years ago when in broad day light a large leftist mob together with a large 'ethnic minority' crowd prevented the arrest and detention of two illegal immigrants. 

The Home Office team and officers from Police Scotland gave in to the mob pressure and released the two illegal immigrants back into the community and the Left hailed this as a victory.  BM Scotland reported on this at the time.

And the speakers at the 'anti-racism' rally should at least get their facts straight - the EDL (English Defence League) folded as an organisation almost ten years ago.

Pictured above: The usual well meaning social justice advocates who have little knowledge as to what those they oppose actually believe.


This is all the 'Diversity' that Scotland needs..

Meanwhile in the same week as the Gorge square rallies:

September 2024


Traffic blocked, fireworks going off in the middle of the street, Syrian flags being waved by some drivers, swords being waved about by some drivers and lots of singing and chanting in Arabic!

No mass turnout by Police Scotland even though there is a large operational police station just down the road from where this was happening!

So what was going on?

More 'Diversity' and 'Cultural Enrichment' ?



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