BM SCOTLAND: Opinions of A Scottish Exile on Returning to Live Back in Alba, plus odd notes and news.
More and more migrants and 'asylum-seekers' are being settled in Scotland, some temporarily as part of the Home Office initiative 'Operation Scatter'.
The SNP government at Holyrood have fully supported the settlement of non-European migrants, 'refugees' and 'undocumented migrants' for over a decade, remember those Syrians that Nicola Sturgeon was not only happy to welcome to Scotland, but quickly settled some of them on the western Isles.
There have already been problems in the last couple of years over 'asylum-seekers' housed in hotels in central Glasgow and more still over the hotel complex at Erskine.
Scotland should not become a dumping ground for the small boat crossing illegal immigrants that England and Wales cannot accommodate.
Now officially the most 'affordable' city for single folk to buy a house (or flat) in the entire UK.
But how long will that last?
More English folk are moving up to Scotland for cheaper property prices and to escape the increasing multiculturalism of larger English towns and cities.
A Few Wise Words By a Scottish Exile Returned to Alba from Living in the USA.
I've made several observations speaking to people of my own age, and older generations as to why there is likely a lack of support in Scotland (for anti-immigration activism), and it boils down to a (perceived) lack of threat.
We've never faced quiet the same immigration issues up here as England has over the past decades. That's changing though. My mum is originally from Glasgow, and no longer recognises it. Even St. Andrews it's self, known for American tourists and rich students, (and the dearest Tesco in all of the UK!) is increasingly popping up with all sorts from who knows where.
The little villages we live in outside are still predominantly white (why I chose to live so far from "civilization" and move back from the US) but social media, for all it's faults, does help to expose what's going on elsewhere in the UK, especially in major cities, and I do believe people really are starting to wake up.
When I first moved back from the US in 2015, with my then- just turning 2 year old son, I was blown away by the stark difference from the Scotland I left.
Within 6 months Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' was thrown to the forefront of my brain.
Less than a week after arriving in summer time, we spent my son's 2nd birthday in hospital as my sister was 2 weeks over due, and in "active labour" she was essentially told to keep her legs crossed as there was no beds available. She had her birth plan etc all worked out to a T, no meds, water birth etc. she ended up having to have an emergency C section, and almost lost her first child...solely due to there being no beds available (Kirkcaldy, Fife).
Just after the new year my sister was asking me if I'd enrolled my son in Nursery yet. I laughed thinking she had a dose of new mum brain and reminded her her nephew didn't turn 3 for another 8 months. She told me if I didn't apply immediately, he may not get a place at all!
Luckily I live in East Fife, rather than West, and it wasn't so bad then. When I went into the Primary School to enrol him, it was the same lady that had been there when I was in school nearly 20 years prior, and everything was fine. Unfortunately she retired the next year and since then the staff there have changed more often than some folk change their knickers. I could write an entire book about my frustration and anger with school system these days.
Fast forward to 2022 I had to experience pregnancy and birth in the NHS for myself. Another horror story, in itself. I have now had to be on the ball to enrol my boys in Nursery and secondary school for after summer, as even way out here in the sticks places are certainly not guaranteed.
How people have still not awoken is beyond belief.