Friday, 28 February 2025

Celtic Fans Honour IRA Bomber - What is Wrong with Their Heads ?

 Celtic Fans Honour IRA Bomber - What is Wrong with Their Heads ?


Celtic fans under fire for banner glorifying convicted IRA terrorist

Northern Irish politicians demand action after banner in honour of Brendan McFarlane, who died last Friday, is unfurled at Celtic Park.

This was even reported in the Belfast Telegraph 

Calls for police probe amid outrage over tribute to IRA bomber at Celtic game

Scottish police have been urged to investigate after a banner honouring an IRA bomber was unfurled during a Celtic match.

The club’s Green Brigade held up the tribute to Brendan ‘Bik’ McFarlane at last night’s home game against Aberdeen.

McFarlane, who died last week, was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the 1975 Bayardo Bar bombing which killed five people. He was also part of the Maze prison breakout in 1983.

Above the tribute, which included a photo and the words “Óglach Brendan 'Bik' McFarlane”, a second banner read: “They said he was a rebel then, he’s a hero now”.

On Friday, Sinn Féin's Gerry Kelly expressed condolences following the "sad passing of my friend and comrade", adding he was a "huge figure within republicanism".

Pictured here are previous displays put on by the Green Brigade and Glasgow still tolerates this inside and outside the stadium during Celtic games.

The so-called 'Green Brigade' are not just a pro-Irish Republican presence at Celtic games, but this bunch of hard line Republican thugs also show up at political demonstrations in Glasgow and elsewhere. The 'Green Brigade' are also linked to AntiFa - why won't Police Scotland crack down on these pro-terrorist head bangers?

Monday, 24 February 2025

Under the Sunwheel - British Movement podcast - January 2025





Listen now on Odysee or on the British Movement Northern region website

Thursday, 20 February 2025

BM Scotland. Opinions of a Scottish Exile on Returning to Live Back in Alba, plus odd notes and news.

 BM SCOTLAND: Opinions of A Scottish Exile on Returning to Live Back in Alba, plus odd notes and news.


More and more migrants and 'asylum-seekers' are being settled in Scotland, some temporarily as part of the Home Office initiative 'Operation Scatter'.

The SNP government at Holyrood have fully supported the settlement of non-European migrants, 'refugees' and 'undocumented migrants' for over a decade, remember those Syrians that Nicola Sturgeon was not only happy to welcome to Scotland, but quickly settled some of them on the western Isles.

There have already been problems in the last couple of years over 'asylum-seekers' housed in hotels in central Glasgow and more still over the hotel complex at Erskine.

Scotland should not become a dumping ground for the small boat crossing illegal immigrants that England and Wales cannot accommodate.



Now officially the most 'affordable' city for single folk to buy a house (or flat) in the entire UK.

But how long will that last?

More English folk are moving up to Scotland for cheaper property prices and to escape the increasing multiculturalism of larger English towns and cities.

A Few Wise Words By a Scottish Exile Returned to Alba from Living in the USA.

I've made several observations speaking to people of my own age, and older generations as to why there is likely a lack of support in Scotland (for anti-immigration activism), and it boils down to a (perceived) lack of threat.

 We've never faced quiet the same immigration issues up here as England has over the past decades. That's changing though. My mum is originally from Glasgow, and no longer recognises it. Even St. Andrews it's self, known for American tourists and rich students, (and the dearest Tesco in all of the UK!) is increasingly popping up with all sorts from who knows where. 

The little villages we live in outside are still predominantly white (why I chose to live so far from "civilization" and move back from the US) but social media, for all it's faults, does help to expose what's going on elsewhere in the UK, especially in major cities, and I do believe people really are starting to wake up.

When I first moved back from the US in 2015, with my then- just turning 2 year old son, I was blown away by the stark difference from the Scotland I left. 

Within 6 months Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' was thrown to the forefront of my brain. 

Less than a week after arriving in summer time, we spent my son's 2nd birthday in hospital as my sister was 2 weeks over due, and in "active labour" she was essentially told to keep her legs crossed as there was no beds available. She had her birth plan etc all worked out to a T, no meds, water birth etc. she ended up having to have an emergency C section, and almost lost her first child...solely due to there being no beds available (Kirkcaldy, Fife).

Just after the new year my sister was asking me if I'd enrolled my son in Nursery yet. I laughed thinking she had a dose of new mum brain and reminded her her nephew didn't turn 3 for another 8 months. She told me if I didn't apply immediately, he may not get a place at all!

 Luckily I live in East Fife, rather than West, and it wasn't so bad then. When I went into the Primary School to enrol him, it was the same lady that had been there when I was in school nearly 20 years prior, and everything was fine. Unfortunately she retired the next year and since then the staff there have changed more often than some folk change their knickers. I could write an entire book about my frustration and anger with school system these days. 

Fast forward to 2022 I had to experience pregnancy and birth in the NHS for myself. Another horror story, in itself. I have now had to be on the ball to enrol my boys in Nursery and secondary school for after summer, as even way out here in the sticks places are certainly not guaranteed. 

How people have still not awoken is beyond belief.


Sunday, 9 February 2025

BM Scotland - Opinions plus Not On Our Watch! - BM podcast for January 2025.

 BRITISH MOVEMENT SCOTLAND - Opinions plus Not On Our Watch!- the BM podcast for January 2025.

These are Worrying Trends....

Scotland: The  population is set to increase by 4.4% in the next decade.

Scotland is not suffering as badly as England, 7.8% or Wales 5.9%, but more than Northern Ireland 2.1%.

This is not due to the increase birth rate of native Scots but is largely driven by immigration from outside the UK, especially by immigrants from outside Europe.  

The increasing number of  migrants (both legal and illegal) from Asian, African and Middle Eastern  countries being settled in Scotland is part of a wider plan by the Home Office as part of 'Operation Scatter' to disperse the hundreds of thousands of 'asylum seekers' and 'refugees' across the whole of the United Kingdom.

The Scottish government at Holyrood is complicit in this imported population and the SNP has been actively involved in the settlement of non-Europeans in Scotland for over a decade.

This will have an impact on Scotland's services; housing, health care, education, and social welfare. It will also impact on Scotland's culture, and future ethnic make up.

Something that all true Scots, indigenous Scots, should worry about.


British Movement pod-cast.

Listen on Odysee,, Bitchute or via the British Movement Northern Region website.


Saturday, 1 February 2025

BM SCOTLAND - The Glasgow Paedophile Gang are a Sick Stain on all Scottish society.

 British Movement SCOTLAND:

Glasgow The Paedophile Gang are a Sick Stain on all Scottish Society.

This is what human garbage looks like......

Why are some of these degenerates smiling (or smirking) in their Police Scotland mugshots?

All of Scotland must be aware of this case which came to a close this week.

Here we reproduce some of the press coverage from the Daily Record and the Scotsman, all of which raise many, many questions and Scotland as a whole, needs answers.

"Horrific Glasgow paedophile ring shows how Scotland fails vulnerable children"

"The seven members of one of Scotland's biggest child sex abuse rings have been given life-long sentences and warned that they may never be released.
Three victims under the age of 13 were subjected to horrific sexual abuse and violence in a Glasgow drug den dubbed "the beastie house" over a seven-year period.
Police said the children had suffered "unimaginable abuse", with the offences including rape, attempted murder and assault.
Iain Owens, 46; Elaine Lannery, 40; Lesley Williams, 43; Paul Brannan, 42; Scott Forbes, 51; Barry Watson, 48, and John Clark, 49, were jailed for between eight and 20 years and handed orders for lifelong restriction (OLRs).
These orders are reserved for the most serious court cases in Scotland which do not involve murder, and mean the individual will either be in prison or on parole for the rest of their life."

Or this.......

"Members of Glasgow paedophile gang guilty of running 'monstrous' child sex abuse ring

In what the NSPCC called one of the worst cases in recent decades, the trial was told primary school-aged children were plied with alcohol and cocaine while being subjected to a campaign of sexual depravity, including group rapes, at various properties.

The SNP Government has been accused of presiding over "catastrophic failure" after seven members of a child sex ring were locked up for a total of 94 years.
Three victims under the age of 13 were subjected to a catalogue of horrific sexual abuse and violence at a filthy drug den in Townhead, Glasgow, over a seven year period from 2012.
Seven members of the ring were finally sentenced this week for subjecting the youngsters to years of abuse at a hell-hole flat dubbed "the beastie house"."

The SNP Government has been accused of presiding over "catastrophic failure" after seven members of a child sex ring were locked up for a total of 94 years.
Three victims under the age of 13 were subjected to a catalogue of horrific sexual abuse and violence at a filthy drug den in Townhead, Glasgow, over a seven year period from 2012.
Seven members of the ring were finally sentenced this week for subjecting the youngsters to years of abuse at a hell-hole flat dubbed "the beastie house".

The three children were on the radar of authorities from July 2018 when they were added to Glasgow City Council's child protection register.
  Continue reading
One was a girl who was said to run wild in her community in the north of Glasgow. She was described as gaunt and the worst case of head lice an expert had seen in her 30-year career."

Police Scotland’s investigation started in 2020, but the children had been added to Glasgow City Council’s child protection register two years previously in July 2018. It was only because a man who had come to know the children through his work and church blew the whistle that the authorities started to investigate. 

It does not matter which version of the case or which report you read - it is all bad and speaks for itself.

"The Scottish Government’s much-vaunted initiative, The Promise, which was set up to “support people and organisations” to “foster change” in the care system, has been criticised for being nothing more than expensive window dressing. An investigation by the Ferret last year revealed almost a third of its £6 million budget had been spent on PR firms, consultants and “plush central Edinburgh offices”

"Two girls and a boy were violently and sexually assaulted on multiple occasions between 2012 and 2019.

The trial heard that the gang would hold "rape nights" and "dance and sex nights" in a squalid flat in Glasgow that was frequented by drug users.

A girl was raped by members of the gang while she was still young enough to wear a nappy.

She described the flat as the "dark and scary beastie house" because she had been locked in a cupboard with a box that was full of spiders.

The girl was also shut in an oven and a fridge and was forced to eat dog food.

An older boy and girl were also subjected to savage beatings and sexual violence.

Members of the gang also used Class A drugs in front of the children and caused them to consume alcohol and drugs.

The trial heard that the children first came into contact with social work in Glasgow in August 2017 and were deemed to be at risk in July 2018.

But the allegations of violence and sexual abuse did not come to light until March 2020."

Scum like these should have faced the death penalty.

They are worthy of life.

Glasgow, indeed all of Scotland would be a better place without them polluting the air by breathing.

Certain Left-wing commentators have pounced on this evil outrage to deflect attention away from the Asian Grooming - Rape gangs

Hardly surprising that some Left-wing political mouth pieces have been sounding off this week, claiming that the 'Far-Right' are not commenting on the Glasgow paedophile trial because the accused are not Pakistani Muslims. And because the accused are White, 'racists' won't mention the case.   WRONG AS USUAL !

It is also worth noting that Heroin and other 'Class A' drugs were part of this disgusting story.

At the very least, those supplying these dregs of society with drugs should be jailed for life alongside these examples of human garbage.

BRITISH MOVEMENT has always been against the use and sale of illegal drugs, these narcotics poison our nation and corrupt the poorest levels of British society, Scotland unfortunately has one of the worst records in Western Europe when it comes to drug deaths and addiction.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

British Movement Scotland. Forward into 2025 - there is so much work to be done to take our Nation back!

 British Movement Scotland. 

Forward into 2025 - there is so much work to be done to take our Nation back!


Too many Scots think that the Pakistani grooming gangs/rape gangs currently making the UK mainstream media headlines are just a problem in England and a few towns and cities in southern Wales.

Not so!   Although the mainstream media in Scotland toes the lines set by the SNP government at Holyrood, the grooming gang problem does exist in Scotland.  The politicians of the SNP, the Greens and Scottish Labour try to stress that most sexual crimes against children are committed by White Scots, there have been cases, often under-reported of the same kinds of rape gangs in Glasgow and some towns of the Central Belt. Recently Police Scotland has cautiously released information about investigations into foreign origin rape gangs in parts of Ayrshire and an on-going investigation and prosecutions in Dundee.

So Scotland is not immune.


Scotland continues to have the highest percentage of drug deaths in Europe.

In 2023 (most recent figures available)  1,172 deaths = 80% were "opioid implicated" and 40% showed cocaine implicated too.

Scotland also records a high level of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) births about 200 per year, which means that the baby at birth shows signs that the mother was taking addictive drugs or excessive alcohol during pregnancy.   NHS Scotland date shows that since 2018 an estimated 1,500 drug addicted babies have been born in Scotland.

And now the authorities are opening an 'experimental' injection centre in Glasgow where class A drug use can be 'monitored' in so-called safe spaces where heroin addicts can inject themselves with clean syringes, provided free on site and with supervision by nurses. Police will not interfere and no one will be arrested on site for possession of illegal Class A drugs!

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