Monday 4 April 2022

A couple of mock the SNP snippets to start the month of April.

A couple of mock the SNP snippets to start the month of April.

Do as I say - Not as I do....

Nicola Sturgeon pushed ahead to extend mask wearing and other Covid restrictions across Scotland but she attended Prince Philip's memorial in London NOT wearing a face mask, nor did her husband. Such a fine example of setting an example or do the rules she sets not apply to her?

OK, so now that we are in April the rules on masks are starting to relax but her example proves that she is a hypocrite.

Is She Serious or Was This Just an April Fool Statement ?

First Minister Sturgeon actually claims that the myth of the Loch Less Monster is an 'English conspiracy' part of England's oppression of the people of Scotland!

Forget about the millions of quid it generates for Scottish tourism! 

does Sturgeon have no concept of the importance of the Loch Ness Myth to tourism and the tourist industry in the Highlands?   

An English Myth? - Tell that to every business exploiting the Loch Ness Monster from Inverness down the loch to Fort Augustus and Fort William. It generates millions in both British and overseas tourism. That is not oppression that is a flourishing tourist attraction.

Loch Ness generates more livelihoods for the Highlands than any SNP inspired scheme ever could. And what about the financial chaos around those ferry contracts First Minister?

The Commando Memorial at Spean Bridge

Does Nicola Sturgeon even know where that is ?

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