Thursday 9 May 2024

BM Scotland: 'Humza Useless' has resigned and the SNP continues in its Decline

'Humza Useless' has resigned and the SNP continues in its decline.

Humza yousaf's final speech at Holyrood was, as expected a race-baiting, "I am the victim of racism" rant, ignoring his lack of ability as First Minister of Scotland, his obvious grand-standing overseas, and his well earned nick-name of 'Humza Useless.' 

Humza Yousaf did of course lay the blame for hostility to his leadership of the SNP and the Scottish government at the door of "the Far-Right, racists and bigots", and actually thanked the MSP's of the Scottish parliament for giving him the chance to become an SNP MSP and thus to "defy the far-Right bigots and racists" who had told him to 'Go Home' (meaning Pakistan) all through his life. Remarkably Yousaf went on to say that " I have no other home than this one. I never will. I never have. My heart will forever belong to Scotland."

Seriously?  What a change of tone to his 'White - White -  White" rant when he was promoted to SNP Justice minister.

Yousaf's posturing at political events in Egypt, his desperation for photo-opportunities with diplomats and ministers from the Arab world, and of course a photo-op with the Turkish President Erdogan.

Yousaf's final speech included the compulsory mention of Gaza, and perhaps when a new First Minister is firmly in office there can be an open and transparent investigation into how much the SNP government donated to pro-Palestine/pro-Gaza causes, and how much money from the Scottish tax-payer was shunted by Humza Yousaf into charities and civil society organisations involved in the Gaza situation.

Good Riddance to Humza Yousaf.

And now the SNP imposes John Swinney on Scotland as leader of the SNP and First Minister of Scotland.

John Swinney is the selected choice of the SNP, not the elected leader of the Scottish parliament voted into office by the Scottish electorate. John Swinney was elected to post by 64 MSP's from the SNP at Holyrood but his former allies in the Scottish Greens abstained.

The Ferry Scandal Drags On.

Something that this BM Scotland site has referenced before and continues to demonstrate the financial mismanagement of the SNP government, plus the incompetence of contracting by the last two SNP First Ministers.

Bowing to the influence of the Scottish Greens, the ferry design requirements set out by the SNP government for the two ferries has added to the delays and to impossible targets to fill. The ships are not finished and are five years behind schedule with no indication when work will be completed. Add to that there are no fuel storage facilities in the West coast ferry ports for the specialist 'low-carbon' fuel required for the new ships. The 'low-carbon fuel has to be imported by sea to a port in England and then transported over 200 miles by road in tankers to the ferry ports on the Ayrshire coast. So much for a low carbon impact.

Millions of pounds of Scottish tax-payer's money over budget and no nearer to completion.

Yet another triumph for the SNP government.

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