Friday 28 June 2024

BM Scotland - The SNP has to Go!

BNSM Scotland - The SNP Has To Go!

While the General Election for MP's at Westminster occupies the thinking of the mainstream political parties, the SNP still considers its MSP's at Holyrood as more important.

The SNP Is Hell Bent on Pushing Scotland Towards a Socialist (Marxist) State.

But the SNP manifesto of policies for the General Election is a real insight into SNP thinking and the future direction that SNP politicians would like to take Scotland.

The SNP boasts that its general election manifesto is the  'Left-wing' of any manifesto in Scotland. It is no coincidence that over the last two years most of the policies and legislation coming out of the devolved Scottish government at Holyrood has been pushed towards creating a left-wing system within Scotland, especially where public services, the NHS and education are concerned. There is a clear 'Cultural Marxist' influence at work behind the SNP policies on gender recognition, on gender identity teaching in schools, and the sinister 'Hate Law' policies.

And still the SNP prattles on about Scottish independence - even though the majority of Scottish voters have rejected the notion and want to stay part of the United Kingdom.

If by some miracle of fate the SNP were to achieve its fantasies and took Scotland out of the United Kingdom as an independent country, what kind of neo-Marxist state would Scotland become?

Meanwhile out in the real world away from the SNP.......


British Movement podcast 

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