Friday 30 August 2024

September 7th 2024 - Anti-immigration Protests in Glasgow and the Militant Left Out to Stop Them.

 September 7th 2024- Anti-immigration Protests in Glasgow and the Militant Left are Out to Stop Them.

The anti-immigration rally in George Square, Glasgow is drawing the greatest amount of media attention and is the focus for generating hostility from the political Left. Of course some mainstream politicians are jumping on the bandwagon to denounce and smear a rally that seeks to challenge immigration, 'diversity' and multiculturalism.

NOTE: British Movement is not involved in organising these anti-immigration demonstrations but BM Scotland activists may well be present. We might not agree ideologically with those organising the rally, but BM is in agreement with the slogan "Enough is Enough" and BM is totally opposed to immigration and multiculturalism.

Of course newspaper and media headlines like the one below are intended to stir up leftist opposition. Some media outlets are bare faced in their hostility to the rally.

"Far right groups in Scotland using riots to recruit new members"

And this...

"How to join protests against far-right 'pro-UK' George Square rally"

 Across the UK the Far-Left and so-called 'progressives' and liberal social justice warriors have  been emboldened by the election of a Labour government, with a socialist Prime Minister and the added gift of a socialist Home Secretary, with a long record of active opposition to British Nationalism.

The assorted organisations of the political Left, the anti-racism campaigners, BLM and LGBTQ activists, the self-styled anti-fascists and pro-Irish Republicans in Scotland believe that they now have the political freedom to do whatever they feel is necessary to stop those that they are told are the 'Far-Right'.

The anti-immigration rally in central Glasgow on September 7th will bring together all those toxic political elements that champion 'diversity' and multiculturalism.

They are already making clear their intentions:

"The politics of hate and the far right rioters which we’ve seen mobilising across parts of England and the north of Ireland can never be welcome in Scotland."

Maggie Chapman, Scottish Greens MSP.

Susan Aitken said: “Glasgow City Council has received no notification of any rally but then we know Tommy Robinson and his ilk don’t really care about respecting laws or public places.

“He’s not welcome in Glasgow and neither is anyone who chooses to align with his poisonous rhetoric.”

The Scottish Refugee Council also shared information about the event, saying in a post on Twitter/X: “Join us in George Square, Glasgow, on September 7 to unite against racism and show the world that refugees are welcome here in Scotland.”

And more of the Cultural Marxist outpourings and provocation from the extreme Left.

"We can stop the far right and the fascists hoping to grow – but only if we break their confidence before they build. This is why we have called rallies against the far right across cities in Scotland this Saturday and a major anti-fascist and anti-racist counter demonstration in Glasgow on 7 September."

Talat Ahmed, convenor of Stand Up To Racism Scotland.

“Glasgow has always been the working class capital of Scotland. We have to be clear that racists are not welcome and are met with a massive response.”

The SUTR counter-protest is backed by the Scottish TUC union federation and the EIS, RMT, PCS, NASUWT, UCU, CWU, FBU, Unite and Unison unions in Scotland.

The mainstream media are obviously taking sides in this situation and the tone of their reporting makes that very clear...

"a rally in George Square under the Enough is Enough slogan used by far right extremist groups, violent rioters in England and hate mobs in Northern Ireland."

"Glasgow’s Enough is Enough rally will take place in George Square on Saturday 7 September. Protests held under the same banner in cities including Liverpool, Manchester, Belfast, Leeds, Nottingham and Hull saw criminal violence and disorder as police and businesses were attacked. Hundreds of arrests have been made in the last two weeks as a result of the riots that were quelled by a strong police response and counter-protests."

"A Scottish Government spokesman said: “The right to peaceful public assembly and freedom of expression are important rights to uphold, but they should never be used to justify any form of hateful, violent, intimidating or otherwise criminal behaviour. Police Scotland has powers under the Public Order Act 1986 to deal with any disorder arising and to ensure that public safety and order is maintained.”

Of course the leader of the Scottish Labour Party, Anas Sarwar is directly opposed to any type of anti-immigration events

"I have no doubt Glasgow will reject extremism at ‘pro-UK’ rally" – Sarwar

And this.....

"Every single time the far right has tried to do that in Glasgow, Glasgow has overwhelmingly rejected them"

Anas Sarwar, Scottish Labour

“I’m a son of Glasgow, I was born in Glasgow – Glasgow is my city,” he said.

“I know as a Glaswegian, that we have always had a view – we can’t be complacent, we can’t pretend that there aren’t issues here – but we’ve always been a city that regardless where you come from, regardless of where you were born, when you come here you’re one of us and we’re one Glasgow."

So this son of Pakistani immigrants to Scotland considers that no matter what country you come from, if you settle in Glasgow, you are a Glaswegian. That is not unlike a statement a few years ago by Nicola Sturgeon, at the time she was First Minister of Scotland, and said that not only were 'refugees' and 'asylum seekers' welcome in Scotland, but on day one of their arrival they were Scots!
Both statements by Sarwar, and Sturgeon are a slap in the face to those indigenous Scots who have roots in Alba that go back centuries. Tied to Scotland by Blood and Soil!


Humza Yousaf is, as expected, desperate to be quoted in the media and keen to be seen as still being  politically relevant, so has been making press statements and pushing out messages on X (Twitter)  like the one below....


Violence targeting police officers, the public, and mosques, all to drive forward the far-right's hateful ideology. Rhetoric is not enough. We need to take action against the far-right. I have asked the Home Secretary to use her powers to proscribe the English Defence League.

"In a letter to Home Secretary Yvette Cooper on Wednesday, former Scottish first minister Humza Yousaf urged her to proscribe the EDL and its “offshoots” under terrorism legislation, making it illegal to be a member of the groups."

***** Someone should point out to Humza Yousaf that the EDL went out of existence several years ago. But seriously, under terrorism legislation?

BUT - his appeal to Home Secretary Yvette Cooper is a classic Marxist/Communist tactic to declare your political opponents outlawed and ban them from existence. 


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