Tuesday 13 August 2024




The dreadful mass stabbing of little girls and two adults at a dance class in Southport, a vile act allegedly carried out by the teenage son of immigrants from Rwanda, raised a level of outrage amongst ordinary White working class British folk throughout England, and ignited the tinder box of anger in Northern Ireland about the settlement of illegal immigrants and so-called 'asylum-seekers' in working class communities.

What About Scotland?

Certain left-wing journalists, politicians and political commentators have actually been boasting that the anti-immigration protests, outbreaks of violence and disorder on the streets has not taken place because of different attitudes to immigration and asylum-seekers in Scotland.

Notice how quickly the SNP government has reacted, the First Minister John Swinney has rushed to reassure immigrants in Edinburgh and Glasgow;

"JOHN Swinney and Police Scotland urged calm as they claimed there was “no evidence” widespread violent rioting in England and Belfast would spread to Scotland."

"And the First Minister attempted to reassure Scotland’s Muslim communities, visiting Edinburgh Central Mosque alongside justice secretary Angela Constance.

There he met with Imam Habib Rauf, representatives of the Scottish Refugee Council, the Muslim Council of Scotland and members of the wider Muslim community."

Not to be out done the former First Minister Humza Yousaf  (Useless) has to get in on the act, 

" former First Minister Humza Yousaf publicly questioned whether he sees a life for himself and his family in Scotland, or in the West, in the wake of the riots.

Of course the mainstream media in Scotland have been quick to consult the academics who are supposed 'experts' on Scotland, Scottish social attitudes etc. etc.

“Polling and other kinds of measures show that Scotland has a more positive attitude towards migration, a lower concern about things like small boats - which are naturally more geographically keenly felt on the southern coast of England - and a more positive attitude towards refugees.”
Although Scots are less likely to be concerned about immigration, he says a key issue is that campaigns that focus on “Britishness” do not have the same resonance in Scotland.
"For many people, their principal sense of identity is Scottishness,”

And even more of the same - singing off the multiculturalist hymn sheet...

"the proportion of people identifying as Muslim in Scotland much smaller than in England.
The latest Scottish census shows 7% of the population is from an ethnic minority, compared to 18% overall in the UK."

Scottish Patriots and British NS activists must be alert to 'False Flag' Communications

There is a lot of false information being circulated on the internet trying to draw racial Nationalist activists out onto the streets to either trap them in staged situations that suit the government, the police and the 'Deep State'. Or by the militant extreme-Left seeking justification for 'anti-racist' protests.

Last week was a classic example for Wednesday August 7th when misinformation declared there could be as many as 160 'anti-immigration' protests across the UK, including activities in Glasgow, Dundee, Edinburgh and Aberdeen. All nonsense.
A false story was put out about a woman being stabbed in Stirling.

One professional 'anti-racism' organisation actually circulated a false story about an acid attack on a Muslim woman in Middlesborough. A lie.

The False Flag information provides an excuse for police crackdowns, censorship of social media, whips up sympathy for ethnic minorities and religious minorities and provides propaganda opportunities for the political Left.

"Following social media speculation about far-right activity in the city, Glasgow Central Mosque said Police Scotland had confirmed there was no intelligence to suggest it would be targeted."

Some of these false information situations are set up to suit the political Left and their allies in the mainstream media - the mass turnout 'anti-racism' demonstration in Glasgow last week was gloating about the hundreds of anti-racists in the city centre but only two counter protestors from the anti-immigration groups. Other mainstream media reports claimed that the large scale anti-racism demonstrations had "chased off 'Far-Right' protestors".

It all suits the multiculturalist, cultural Marxist agenda.

These liberal and left-wing 'progressive' voices have either forgotten or are refusing to remember the stabbings in a Glasgow hotel a couple of years back when an enraged and unstable 'asylum-seeker' went on the rampage stabbing other migrants and staff.
Also they are ignoring protests outside hotels and hostels housing migrants in Erskine and elsewhere, so there are some Scots who resent the Third World invasion of Britain.

There have been some small scale anti-immigration protests in Glasgow, but there again, the mass stabbings took place in Merseyside not Clydeside, but Scots are aware of what happened in Southport and feel the pain.


No surprises to hear this from the leader of the Labour Party in Scotland, Anas Sarwar;

"Mr Sarwar called on social media companies to crack down on the spread of misinformation and "allowing the far right to organise, to recruit, to amplify and in some cases to fundraise."

Asked whether this would infringe on the right to freedom of speech, he said: "I’m all for freedom of speech but there is a responsibility that comes on these platforms too and allowing known mistruths to be spread is not freedom of speech."

Mr Sarwar said Scotland could not be complacent and must send the far right a "strong message to say they are not welcome here".

So Anas Sarwar, the son of Pakistani immigrants, settled in Glasgow, now tells indigenous Scots that those who have British racial Nationalist or British National Socialist ideals that 'they' are not welcome in Scotland!

Police Scotland Are Being Deployed In Belfast.

Meanwhile Police Scotland are preparing to send trained riot police across to Northern Ireland as re-enforcements to PSNI to help control the riots and disorder in Belfast. The first contingent of 120 Police Scotland officers are on their way, others may be sent soon.

If the Holyrood parliament feel that it is OK to send so many Police Scotland officers to Ulster, they must think that there are no crimes to police in Scotland!

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