Tuesday 25 August 2015

BM Scotland - Opinions and Comments - August 2015

 Opinions and Comments - August 2015
Another excellent image from Scotland BM Alba
The Human Tidal Wave Pouring Into Europe Continues
The liberal and Left-wing propaganda war in support of immigrants, asylum-seekers and so-called refugees continues. On TV, on radio, in the newspapers and on the world wide web they call for support for the never ending flood of dispossessed and rootless migrants heading into Europe by every possible route.
If there is any doubt about what is heading towards Britain, that includes Scotland, just watch the highly edited news footage of the thousands landing in Greece from Turkey.
Turkey is supposed to be a free country, part of NATO with a Muslim religious base and culture which should suit the Islamic heritage refugees pouring out of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and points East, so why don't they ask for asylum there?
No they all want to get into the European Union.
Which is why they cross through bankrupt Greece, through Serbia and Macedonia in crowds of thousands. This week 6,000 entered Serbia in just one day, all heading for Hungary.
Every time it is the same story - "We want a better life. We want. We want. WE WANT."
Hundreds of thousands are heading for Germany, thousands more are heading for Sweden.
The EU is DEMANDING that Britain takes more of these people and objects to the pitiful attempts that the UK government is making to control illegal immigration at the Channel Tunnel and the ferry ports.
The organisations of the extreme Left, the Anarchists, the anti-racists and some of the soft-Left liberals and Greens are organising support for the would-be illegal immigrants at Calais.
Some Leftist activists are trying to help migrants enter Britain illegally, others are talking about hiding and protecting those illegal immigrants who have already been smuggled into Britain.
This is a betrayal of our country !
While many thousands of Third World migrants talk about wanting to live in London you can be sure that they won't stop there - they will travel North - they will look towards Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen. Then they will start to spread out.
We have to waken up our people to this threat and counter the tactics of those Left-wing extremists who want to see our country flooded with non-whites.

Meanwhile on the streets of Riddrie.....

 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
A Sell Out to American Corporate Companies and Globalist Capitalism
The Conservative Government in Westminster is hot for the deal.
The Euro Bureaucrats in the European Union are keen to sell off Western Europe
No doubt the SNP will be equally keen to sell Scotland for US dollars

Look at Scotland BM Alba on Facebook - Scottish National Socialist views and opinions.


Tuesday 11 August 2015

The Cause Continues - Alba Duisg - BM Scotland




The Labour Party - Scotland struggles to attract support as it campaigns to elect a new leader.
After its humiliating defeat in the General Election, and virtual destruction as a Westminster party by the SNP, the Scottish Labour Party is trying to talk up support for its candidates as it works to elect a new leader, someone that will attract voters and members more effectively than the previous holder of the position, the unmissed Mr Murphy.
The Labour Party took Scottish working-class support for granted for too long and paid the price for its arrogance. How long will it take for ordinary Scottish voters to rumble the political charlatans of the SNP, who promised so much that they really knew they could not deliver?
Westminster politicians and Holyrood politicians are not the answer to Scotland and Britain's social, economic and political problems. The whole structure needs to be torn down and a new order built up out of the ruins. A radical, revolutionary beginning that creates a new system and structure to society, but protects, preserves and cherishes traditions, heritage and our unique culture.
National Socialism - the Fourteen Words - Britain Awake - Alba Duisg !

Getting the British National Socialist message out into Scotland.
Small beginnings but every sticker, every leaflet, every poster counts....

Bus Stop in Lanarkshire

Meanwhile in Glasgow.......

Facebook - Scotland BM Alba - an excellent regular news update and NS comment from Scotland.

Saturday 1 August 2015

BM Scotland Updates

British Movement Scotland Updates
July 2015

The pace of the multi-racial invasion of Scotland continues and the people of Scotland cannot escape the tidal wave of Third World humanity that is crossing the Mediterranean, trekking across Europe and gathering at the Channel ports with eyes fixed on the United Kingdom.
Scots should not be conned by the likes of the SNP and the Labour Party into thinking that those illegal immigrants, (Prime Minister David Cameron even referred to them as a 'swarm')
will only enter and colonise England. Those migrants who claim 'asylum', most do whether they are refugees/asylum-seekers or not, will be granted leave to stay and the Westminster government will quietly disperse them across Britain. Scotland included.
Remember, the SNP actually stated that it wants to boost Scotland's population with young immigrants of working age. So guess what Scotland will get !
Take a good look at the STV or BBC Scotland news reports from the Mediterranean rescue ships and the daily reports from the squatter camps around Calais - then take a walk in the streets of Glasgow and Edinburgh and meet your new neighbours!

Another fantastic image from our BM Scotland comrades at Scotland BM Alba on Facebook

FACEBOOK - Scotland BM Alba
A regular on-line service and British National Socialist commentary on news stories and articles of interest produced by British Movement activists in Scotland.