Wednesday 20 October 2021

YOUR PAPERS PLEASE ! New Scottish Government Legislation On Covid Passports Moves Scotland Closer To A Marxist Police State


New Scottish Government Legislation On Covid Passports Moves Scotland Closer To A Marxist Police State.

The authoritarian hand of the SNP is clearly behind this legislation. If you want to enter a football stadium, a night club, a large scale entertainment event anywhere in Scotland you will have to provide evidence of your Covid status - a Covid passport.

MSP's have approved this authoritarian move which covers both indoor events and outdoor events based on numbers attending - this measure is now enforceable by law - at most events security personnel from private companies and event steward companies will carry out checks but Police Scotland can be used to ensure the public conform to this law.

Another Blow Against Freedom - more Police State Legislation in Scotland as Facial Recognition technology is introduced
 to schools in Ayrshire.

Facial Recognition for School Children in order to 'check entitlement and payment' for school meals - nine schools in North Ayrshire are running the pilot programme.   The official statement says that 97% of parents approve of this measure and the use of this technology. 

This is the kind of monitoring technology used by the state in Communist China.

National Theatre of Scotland

According to the National Theatre of Scotland the word "spooky" is now excluded from productions.

                  'Beware of woke Halloween - the word Spooky' is a racist slur !                                      It seems that some woke social justice warrior has identified the use of the word "spook" or "spooky" to describe black servicemen during the Second World War.  According to an unnamed 'source' at the NT Scotland, ever since Black Lives Matter was launched NT Scotland staff have undergone re-training and awareness training and have made special efforts to remove 'historically oppressive' words and language <whatever that means>