Wednesday 7 May 2014

Building a National Socialist Alternative in Scotland - The Challenges

Building a National Socialist Alternative in Scotland
The Challenges Ahead
No Matter What is Decided in September 2014
British Movement Believes That Building a National Socialist
Alternative in Scotland  Must be Part of a UK Wide Effort

This is the first instalment of what will become an on-line discussion document for
 the development of a British Movement - National Socialist alternative in Scotland. 
British Movement believes that the way forward is in a regional approach;
What works in England might not be right for Wales; what works for Wales might not be right for Ulster, and what works in Ulster might not work in Scotland.
Across England there are regional differences; operational conditions in the South-East of England are very different to those in the Midlands or the South-West. In Wales, there are three very different regions, South Wales, Mid-Wales and North Wales; culturally and politically very different and requiring different strategies. 
Scotland too is not just one region, and for very practical as well as cultural and historical reasons, the approach to establishing a National Socialist presence and expanding the movement has to reflect those differences. Scotland has so far escaped the worst of the multi-racial onslaught that has battered England, but the forces of multi-culturalism are working to change that.
With the exceptions of parts of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, most of Scotland's towns and cities remain free of large non-white colonies, but pressure is on to ship more immigrants North of the Border. Scotland should look with horror at what has become of some of England and South Wales larger towns and cities. Multi-racialism and ethnic-minority colonisation is a creeping disaster waiting to strike Scotland.
British Movement believes that the drive towards independence for Scotland and a split from the Union is just part of a globalist strategy of divide and conquer. If Scotland leaves the Union, it will only be a matter of time before Ulster is hived off (eventually absorbed into the Irish Republic), and Wales is 'persuaded' to follow Scotland's independence path.
This would be a disaster for all the nations of the United Kingdom.
To remain strong we must stay together and for the white British to survive we must build a united British National Socialist alternative.

 The British National Socialist Political Structure
Structurally British Movement (British National Socialist Movement) operates along the model set out in the early 1930's by the NSDAP - the 'Gau structure'.
Obviously this has to transfer to a British model, but this is possible and practical as a structure to work towards developing. This political organisational structure reflects traditional and historic divisions with due consideration to ancient loyalties and language differences.
Listed below is the proposed British Movement structure for Scotland, demonstrating this organisational breakdown does not compromise our future plans or breach security considerations but
shows to our supporters and potential supporters the BM Scotland has a plan and looks towards a
considered future.
BNSM - Alba
For Scotland the National Socialist model would have to operate on the following regional basis;
The Borders - East.     The Borders - West
Strathclyde  with  Glasgow as a separate city division in its own right.
The Lothians with Edinburgh as a separate city division in its own right.
The Central Belt but with the East Coast cities and towns as a separate East Coast division.
West coast division - taking in Argyll and Bute including Oban.
Highlands starting at Pitlochry but excluding a north-east coast division centred on Aberdeen.
The Hebrides - including all the islands from Arran up to and including the Western Isles.
Finally a division for Orkney and Shetland plus smaller northern isles.
There is the challenge - how to bring the National Socialist message to such a broad nation with so many cultural differences between them - all various facets of the Aryan tribes of Scotland.
The greater challenge is to build the National Socialist alternative across the UK and for it to reflect all the various facets of the Aryan tribes of the British Isles.




  1. When can a meeting be held in Edinburgh or Glasgow of existing BM members in Scotland who can bring along friends and invitds go out to selected people.

    If the BM is to rise again in Scotland then it needs the re birth with a meeting. Get people together, thats when things happen.

    Its now May, why not have one in July?

  2. An excellent idea - June is already a busy month for BM - we will set one of our activists the task - a meeting in Scotland is exactly what is needed.

  3. Excellent idea for a meeting in Scotland, as a Scot i know we are now into the marching/parade season, yesterday was the Apprentice Boys of Derry annual march which attracts over 5000 and that does not include supporters, an option is to plan a meeting/social to coincide with one of these gatherings, Orange & Black coming up. Not everyone can stomach the loyal orders but the support is there, i personnaly use the local Orange Halls for social gatherings, if a tout or informant tries to get into spy on activities, he is quickly identified and asked to be on his way, politely of course.

  4. Now that we are into the marching season, i would say a meeting planned around one of the many gatherings around Scotland would be ideal, for example the Apprentice Boys of Derry held there annual gathering weekend past, this gathering attracts well over 5000, and not one ANAL comes within a mile of a loyalist gathering, so security is sorted. I use my local Orange hall and Rangers club for social gatherings with comrades, if any outsider, informer or undercover agent tries to infiltrate, he is quickly spotted and hunted out. Good luck with the meeting.
