Monday 30 March 2015

The 2015 Election Has Started - Scotland Must Brace Itself

The 2015 Election General Campaign Has Started
(British Movement Does Not Contest Elections)
Scotland Must Brace Itself
The Establishment Westminster political parties are going to target Scotland and the Scottish voters like never before. All the false promises and phoney electoral goodwill will ooze into Scotland as the corrupt 'democratic' system goes into over drive.
There is no doubt that the mainstream parties will seek to re-invent Scottish politics and will spare no expense in fighting for votes.
The political make-up of Scottish MP's will change; watching from outside this arena BM hopes that the Liberal Democrats lose all their MP's in Scotland, that Labour is hammered at the polls, the Conservatives lose their toe-hold in Scottish politics and if the SNP triumphs it will not only shake up Westminster but that in their arrogance of victory, the SNP will let its mask drop and the true face of the Scottish National Party will be shown.
When that happens, and it will, the conditions will be created for the people of Scotland to look again at what false democracy has done for them.
Time to build the National Socialist alternative !
Check out BM Scotland Alba Duisg on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Need to leaflet Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen working class neighbourhoods where much poverty abounds. BN Scotland will only take off if there are the members. New members only join if tempted. A leaflet through the letter boxes of desperately poor working class white folk in Scotland will achieve that membership. No one else gives them hope. The SNP want asylum seekers to have the right to work and allow Uganda's homosexual and lesbian population to move to Scotland.
