Wednesday 16 December 2015

This is the Winter of Our Discontent - Scotland Needs National Socialism

This is the Winter of Our Discontent
Scotland Needs National Socialism
Thanks to Scotland BM Alba for this image

The White British working-class clawed, fought and worked their way out of this kind of poverty and desperation They did not flood into other countries demanding hand-outs and asylum-seeker's Human Rights.
(Thanks to Scotland BM Alba for the image)

More Incompetence from the Establishment at Holyrood

British National Socialist News & Views from Scotland on Facebook
Scotland BM Alba


1 comment:

  1. I like the picture posting about the SNP

    We need to plug away at the SNP. For sure they will gain yet another massive win in the 2016 Scottish Parliament elections - but like all Empires, they crumble.

    I expect the SNP Empire to crumble in the 2020 Scottish Parliament Elections as people will be cheesed off by them by then.

    Thatcher scored twice, but third term people were sick of her.

    We need to plug away, chipping via social media at the SNP.

    Happy Christmas, from Northern Scotland
