Tuesday 16 February 2016

Opinions From 'North of the Border'

Opinions From North of the Border
The Dark Reality of Immigration
The Settlement of Refugees and Asylum-Seekers Opens the Door for More and More
Our country is faced with another year of incoming Third World immigration.
As the Winter weather lifts so the incoming tidal wave of immigrants, refugees and asylum-seekers across the Mediterranean and across the Aegean Sea will resume. Across in France in the squatter camps around Calais and Dunkirk ever growing numbers seek to enter the United Kingdom illegally.
Some of these people will inevitably head for Scotland.
Why will they head for Scotland surely they will make for London or other major English cities?
Some will head for Scotland to join those Third World colonisers already established in our cities.
The SNP government decided to import Syrian refugee families in order to impress the rest of the UK's liberals and leftists with their generosity and humanitarian credentials.
So Syrian and Kurdish refugees squatting illegally in France will claim that they are coming to join family members already accepted into Scotland.
The numbers will grow year on year.
Overall the United Kingdom, (we can no longer consider our country as Great Britain because the politically correct do not like that title), is facing a never ending inflow of hundreds of thousands of black and brown individuals, the surplus populations of the Middle East, Asia and Africa who see Europe and Britain as the source of all bounty, a new life with all the benefits that their own country, culture and continent fails to provide.
These people arrive in our country with their hands stretched out - palms up
 " give me - money"
"give me food"
"clothe me"
"give me a home"
"give me free health care"
"give me a free education"
"feed me and teach me English"
"Eventually find me a job with good wages"
Every refugee, asylum-seeker, or economic migrant arrives with most if not all the above list of
"I want " or "Give me".
Our mainstream politicians are too weak, to keen to show compassion, too blinded by their One World beliefs that they do not have the back-bone to say "No!"
 The only answer to the outstretched hand of the Third World beggars is the rigid right hand salute of National Socialism.
British Movement dares to say "No!"
Facebook:- Scotland BM Alba for British National Socialist news and opinions from Scotland.

1 comment:

  1. Police silence on reports that Isle of Bute women was gestured to by hand signs in a way to suggest having sex nor the women shouted at by one of the asylum seeking males to a Bute women to cover up as she had a shirtless T-Shirt on. Not surprising though for Police Scotland. They prefer an easier target of a Scotsman voicing his anger at imported future SNP voters getting homes in front of Scottish homeless
