Sunday 10 May 2020

More SNP Posturing as Lock Down Continues

More SNP Nonsense as the Covid-19
 Lock Down Continues

In Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon continues to use the Covid-19 crisis to push for a second Indy vote and continues to act as if Scotland is already an 'independent' country, able to operate differently from the rest of the British Isles. Posturing at daily press conferences in Edinburgh, the SNP leader boasts of collaborating with the devolved assemblies in Wales and Northern Ireland to act 'independently' of Westminster and has even spoken publicly of closing the border with England if the British government chooses to relax the lock down in England before Scottish government is prepared to accept the same conditions.
Sturgeon has also talked about Scotland developing separate immigration legislation to the rest of the UK and has claimed that Scotland will welcome immigrants from the EU and elsewhere to help 're-build' the Scottish economy and health services when the Corona-virus crisis is over.

Meanwhile in Parliament
Ian Blackford SNP leader at Westminster is trying to disrupt Brexit (still) under cover of Covid-19 crisis. The SNP group leader in the House of Commons has used the emergency arrangements at Westminster to push forward the SNP anti-Brexit agenda, even though the UK is now officially leaving the European Union this year. 
The bulky SNP MP has repeatedly called for Brexit to be 'put on hold' while the Corona virus emergency is ongoing and wants the British government to re-connect with Brussels and the EU in the economic and medical measures against Covid-19.

1 comment:

  1. SNP have been a disaster for Scotland, yet still they will win the next Scottish Parliament elections, though maybe not becoming the government. They are held in power at the moment, thanks to the Scottish Greens backing them.
