Tuesday 7 September 2021

Glasgow - September 4th 2021- Pro-IRA - Irish Republicans Foul Glasgow City Centre

 GLASGOW - Saturday September 4th 2021

Pro-IRA- Irish Republicans Foul Glasgow City Centre

British Movement activists joined with other patriots, Loyalists, and British Nationalists to oppose the march through the centre of Glasgow by Irish Republican and pro-IRA organisations, joined on the streets by assorted Marxists and other Left-wing rabble.

Note that the pro-IRA slogans claim that the 'armed struggle in Ireland' has not ended. The Marxist revolutionaries state boldly that " Unfinished Revolution - Unfinished Business".  The obvious threat there is that the Good Friday Agreement was just a long pause in their campaign of violence. Surely a warning to all Ulster Loyalists and to the wider population of the United Kingdom.

Flanked and protected by officers from Police Scotland the pro-IRA marchers form up before their march.

As usual the pro-IRA Republicans were joined by their Marxist allies from assorted Left-wing extremist organisations.

It is nothing short of disgraceful that such pro-terrorist organisations are allowed to parade through the streets of one of Scotland's major cities. Where were the PREVENT organisation people? Why were they not Preventing this display of pro-paramilitary/radicalised groups?
There is obviously one rule for the militant Marxist Left and Irish Republicans and a very different set of rules for British patriots and racial Nationalists.


  1. Without the political backing of the SNP council this could not have happen, worth mentioning too that Police Scotland were happy to protect these terrorist cheerleaders

  2. Smash this filth & Keep Britain British

  3. Glasgow City Council Have always been IRA Sympathisers

  4. Smash this filth & Keep Britain British

  5. Smash this filth & Keep Britain British

  6. The political elite always on the left
