Tuesday 12 July 2022

The SNP Agenda for Scottish Independence is Straight Out of the WEF Great Reset.

 The SNP Agenda for Scottish Independence is Straight Out of the World Economic Forum Great Reset.

Klaus Schwab will be delighted if the SNP can push through IndyRef2 , because breaking up the United Kingdom and punishing Britain for Brexit.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is the driving force behind the globalist agenda for world government and the dismantling of national borders and sovereign states.

The creation of the European Union was just the first stage in the long term strategy of globalism, the Treaty of Rome, the Schengen Treaty, the abolition of national currencies in favour of the Euro, the on going expansion of the EU to incorporate more European countries to the European Union. The EU is desperate to bring the Ukraine and Turkey into the EU system. The fact that Britain withdrew from the EU was a blow to the plans for federalisation and the WEF agenda for a United States of Europe. If Scotland can be split away from the United Kingdom, then at least part of Great Britain can be brought back under EU control, if then Northern Ireland can be manipulated into a united Ireland, eventually only England and Wales will need to be forced to renounce Brexit and be brought back into the European Union.

The influence of individuals like George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates should sound alarm bells for all nationalists and patriots across Europe.

The SNP myth that Scotland will be Stronger, Wealthier, Healthier and Fairer if it gets independence from the United Kingdom.

The only way that an independent SNP led Scottish government will survive is as a satellite province of the European Union, taking huge financial loans from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Scotland would have to adopt the Euro as its currency and take direct changes to all its laws to fall in line with Brussels and the rest of the EU.

The SNP is dancing to the WEF tune and the lure of Scottish independence is just bait in the globalist trap. The EU aligned independent Scotland proposed by the SNP will be anything but an independent nation.

Under the Sunwheel

British Movement podcast


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