Wednesday 31 August 2022

Edinburgh; Forget about bin-strikes, transport strikes, mail strikes or the state of the NHS - Edinburgh City Council is going to apologise for slavery.

 EDINBURGH: forget about bin-strikes, transport strikes, mail strikes or the state of        the NHS - Edinburgh City Council is going to apologise for slavery and Edinburgh's 'historical links to slavery'

Wow ! that will put food on the table and cheer the hearts of every citizen of 'Auld Reekie' won't it ?

Real value for money here because the review by Professor Sir Geoff Palmer only cost the city council £18,500. Sir Geoff Palmer is Scotland's first black professor and his review made ten recommendations to the council to redress the city links to slavery and colonialism. This review shows, "commitment from the council to be progressive, open and honest about the history of Edinburgh."

Interesting use of the word "progressive" by city council leader Cammy Day, after all the word 'progressive' is usually used by the Far-Left to describe their Marxist and socialist politics.

The council are obviously keen to 'virtue signal' its civic 'wokeness' by accepting the review report in full, and said that, " Edinburgh will apologise to those who suffered through the city's involvement in slavery."   The council will also undertake a significant programme to address the issue of buildings, statues and street names. (Here at BM Scotland we wonder how much that will cost?)

Sir Geoff Palmer was careful to explain that the civic apology was very significant and another move towards redress.

"An apology doesn't buy bread, but it gives another form of sustenance." 

(We are sure that will go down well with the folk of Edinburgh trudging to the food banks this winter and struggling to pay heating bills.)

Not surprisingly not everyone has been pleased about this entire process. When the review report was completed in January 2022, the council claimed that it had been battered by protests, but of course these were all the work of 'racists'.  

" it had generated thousands of blatantly 'racist' responses from supporters of right-wing organisations looking to interfere with the process" and of course, " the personal targeting of (Sir) Geoff that I've seen is appalling. I've seen groups that are nothing to do with Edinburgh throwing abuse and scaremongering about a process they clearly know nothing about."

Thus the words of former city council leader Adam McVey. Strange that he accuses "groups that are nothing to do with Edinburgh", because the review report was funded by Edinburgh city council in response to demonstrations in the city by BLM - Black Lives Matter in 2020, where statues were vandalised and slogans painted on civic buildings.  So what was BLM to do with Edinburgh? After all BLM (UK) was an off-shoot of an organisation based in the USA.

BLM slogans in Edinburgh after the 2020 BLM protest in the city. Obviously 'progressive'.

British Movement Scotland believes that in the current economic climate Edinburgh city council should have far better things to spend its time, money and resources on than pandering to some BLM fantasy.


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