Saturday 4 March 2023

Scotland is Catching Up on England and Wales as more 'asylum-seekers' are being housed in Scottish hotels.

 Scotland is Catching Up on England and Wales as more 'asylum-seekers' are being housed in Scottish hotels.

Of course when the media and politicians talk about 'refugees' and 'asylum-seekers', what they really mean are the thousands of illegal immigrants and economic migrants entering the UK by crossing the English Channel in boats and dinghies.

As far back as 2019 there were protests in Glasgow about so-called 'refugees' and 'asylum-seekers' were being housed in city centre hotels at tax-payer's expense. Especially after one 'refugee' went on a stabbing rampage at the  Park Inn hotel in the centre of Glasgow in 2020.

Of course the usual motley collection of Far-Left organisations, the SNP, Scottish Greens plus trade union activists and the Scottish Labour Party turn out to support the 'new Scots' living in these hotels.

Pictured above:  Glasgow in 2019 as the assorted forces of the political Left protest in support of housing migrants in city centre hotels - note the banner of "the Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees" .

Nicola Sturgeon was notoriously fond of photo-opportunities with these 'new Scots' and from the first arrivals of 'refugees' from Syria or Afghanistan was keen to pose with and boast of her support for all these future "doctors and scientists" settling in Scotland.

In fact, as was reported in a BM Scotland blog at the time, in August 2021, the SNP publicly stated that Scotland would take in thousands of Afghan refugees, and was prepared to accept far more than England or Wales.

Image below:  SNP leadership hopeful Humza Yousaf shows where his loyalties lie.

In late  November 2021 the Scottish media announced the Mears company would be accelerating its Home Office contracts to place more 'asylum-seekers' in Scottish hotels looking at Aberdeen, Falkirk and Perth as key places for contracts. Notice that local people did not figure in any discussions or consultations.

Erskine Against Asylum Hotel

The MGM Mutha Glasgow River hotel in Erskine, Renfrewshire saw a recent protest on February 18th, organised largely by a local, grassroots organisation and the Patriotic Alternative but the demonstration also included plenty of local people, plus members of other British Nationalist organisations including supporters of British Movement Scotland.

The mainstream media was of course squarely on the side of the 'refugees' and left-wing journalist denounced Erskine Against Asylum Hotel as being 'Far-Right' or even 'fascist'. Some journalists allowed their fevered opposition to the protest to completely skew their reporting by going so far as to describe the local opposition to the estimated 200 migrants in the Mutha Glasgow hotel as being a "hate crime"!

The Home Office civil servants behind the migrant dispersal scheme are of course all safely located in Whitehall and do not have to suffer the impact of their policy of sending migrants in bulk to live in hotels scattered across the country.

Moreover, the Home Office is very unhappy about ordinary folk objecting to the migrants in hotels strategy and expects the mainstream politicians from all political parties, and the mainstream media to support the scheme, to present the 'refugees' in a sympathetic light, and to roundly denounce and oppose any organisation or local residents who object to this or actually organise to protest against migrants presence.

This officially required rejection of opposition is also passed on to the police, who will outwardly declare themselves to be 'neutral' and only interested in "preserving public order, whilst respecting the right to peaceful protest." But on the ground are expected by the Home Office to make things difficult for any demonstration against migrants in hotels and to robustly deal with any potential 'racist' or 'hate crime' behaviour. If this means turning a blind eye to possible breaches of public order by 'anti-racist' activists on the day, as they 'defend the refugees' in the hotel premises, so be it. At Erskine there was a noisy and highly visible turnout by Stand Up To Racism Scotland and the Paisley and Clydebank Trades Council, who made it clear where there loyalties were on the matter.

It is note worthy that the Scottish media reports around the build up to the Erskine protest spoke strongly against the 'racists' and on the day drew special attention to the "Heavy Police Presence" as Police Scotland put on a high profile show.

Reports received by BM Scotland from its supporters on the ground at the Erskine protest noted that in addition to the obvious mass turnout by uniformed Police Scotland in their hi-vis jackets and crowd control gear etc. there were also (spotted by experienced eyes) the plain clothes surveillance and 'monitoring' teams from the political police, noting known 'Far-Right' activists and any leading local figures involved in the demonstration. Remember that the Home Office wants to 'discourage' such protests and will identify potential objectors and keep their details on file for future reference.

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