Friday 19 September 2014



The Union remains safe or as safe as it can be in the grip of
the UK 'democratic' system.
Both the 'Yes' camp and the 'No' camp had political and racial elements that threaten the existence of the true British folk.
Thank the Gods that the strength of Scotland and the Scottish folk has not been split away from Great Britain.
Now is the time to build on the anger of all the British people with the duplicitous mainstream political parties and the corrupt and treacherous politicians of Whitehall and Holyrood.
Now is the time to work towards a British National Socialist alternative on both sides of the Scottish border.

# Check out the excellent article from a Scottish NS activist that is reproduced on the BM blog site
Ulster Sunwheel - Ulster Dawn.

*** Apologies to regular readers of the BM Scotland blog
The BM Sunwheel Office is experiencing difficulties with the computer equipment
we use for all our on-line work.
Machine sent in for repairs - so on-line blogs are slowed down.

1 comment:

  1. Thank the Gods, i awoke this morning to be informed i can still call myself British and Scottish. The folk saw sense and National Socialism and true Nationalism must continue to grow in Alba, make this our day & get active Scots. (An organiser needs to stand and be counted for Scotlands sake, do not let our Kins Folk in the rest of the UK do all the work on behalf of BNSM.) West Coast NS
