Sunday 5 October 2014

What Now For Scotland ?

The Political and the Media Circus Around the Independence Referendum is now over - so where does Scotland go from here?

If nothing else the independence referendum campaign revitalised political activity in Scotland and brought out a level of activism not seen for decades. The task ahead for British National Socialists and racial Nationalists in Scotland is to wrest the initiative away from the political Left and the false nationalism of the Scottish National Party.
 The scale of the turnout for the 'Yes'/'No; vote startled the Establishment and forced them to rush North of the Border in the final week to stave off a tactical and electoral disaster for the three party dictatorship. 
The level of political activism across the population of Scotland surprised the Westminster political parties and Alex Salmond's strategy of giving the vote to 16 and 17 year old teenagers across Scotland was a clever widening of electoral inclusion.
The clumsy Whitehall directed media campaign almost swung the referendum for the 'Yes' campaign as it tried to denigrate the pro-independence lobby and over faced the British viewing and listening audiences with the political heavy weights of the three main parties.
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown campaigning on behalf of a Conservative led government showed all his former supporters in Scotland that when it comes to the crunch, Brown is for the Westminster imposed status quo.
It was a pleasure to see politically motivated Scots giving Labour Party leader Ed Milliband a hard time and the bewildered look on Milliband's face as his minders hustled him away from a hostile crowd was a sight worth seeing. It was just a pity that those who were jostling the lack-lustre Labour leader were campaigning for the negative forces of Scottish independence and the break up of the Union of the United Kingdom.
 The disturbing sight and sound of television reporters interviewing black and Asian voters in Glasgow and Edinburgh and describing them as 'Scots' or 'Scottish voters'.
These people are 'British' by bits of paper and live in Scotland, but they are not Scots!
It was a mockery of nationality when the SNP presented a Bangladeshi businessman as one of its top donators and supporters from the "Scottish business community".
 It is now the time for a revival of racial awareness and Folkish political activism in Scotland, to harness the energy and desire to challenge Westminster and the System, but to reject the leftist politics of the SNP and the extreme Left fringes.
 British Movement believes that 2015 must be the year of a 'racial revival' in Scottish politics
and the desire amongst real Scots for a national identity must be given the push towards a Folkish and racial identity - a renaissance of Scottish racial awareness and Scotland's unique place in the Aryan unity of the tribes and nations that make up Great Britain. 
 Britain Together
 Britain Awake !
 '14 Words'

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