Sunday 18 December 2022

Are the Wheels Starting to Come Off the SNP Bandwagon for Nicola Sturgeon?

Are the Wheels Starting to Come Off the SNP Bandwagon for Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP at Holyrood? 

There are some serious rumblings at Holyrood around SNP policy and SNP leadership plans for a future General Election. There are even rumblings about the suitability of Nicola Sturgeon continuing as SNP leader and First Minister. (What a blow to her enormous ego.)

Undermining the SNP position are questions about MONEY - there are still stories circulating about Police Scotland investigating the £600,000 of tax-payer's money siphoned off to fund the failed Supreme Court review into the legality of IndyTwo. Questions continue about the missing £600k.

Any chance of that refund to Scotland's tax-payers yet?


 Yes, according to recent media reports Peter Murrell made a cash loan to SNP party funds of a cool £107.620, officially recorded as "loans from executive management" in order to "assist cash-flow. 

Amazing to think that the SNP as a political party needs assistance with cash-flow because, according to the 'Scottish Sun', the SNP , "rakes in £2.5 million a year from memberships" and receives hundreds of thousands more from the UK government. Official accounts show that in the year 2021, the SNP had a an income of £4.5 million as a political party and maintains a "modest office" in Edinburgh with just 20 staff to run the party administration, political campaigns etc.

What About the Scottish Budget SNP ?

At government level, the SNP has repeatedly demonstrated that it cannot professionally manage Scotland's economy without regularly running to the Westminster Treasury to ask for handouts.

Last week it was nice to see First Minister Sturgeon and her comrade John Swinney getting quizzed by the Speaker at Holyrood about their budget plans. After all the SNP are declaring that it will 'eradicate child poverty in Scotland'. A noble cause but how ?

The proposed weekly Scottish child payment scheme is planned by the SNP to be a unique piece of social welfare in Britain, a move to assist 400,000 children in Scotland with a £25 per week payment. All well and good, but that is going to cost the Scottish government £450 million per year. Where is that extra money going to come from Mr Swinney?

Question for the First Minister and the SNP at Holyrood - "What is a Woman?"

First Minister Sturgeon is very keen on pushing ahead with legal reforms that will set gender identity legislation in Scotland way apart from the laws and definitions of 'What is legally a Woman' and 'What is legally a Man' in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are not only pushing hard to force early 'gender identity' and 'gender fluid' concepts into the Scottish education system but also into every level of Scottish society. Once a 'Trans' individual has acquired a GRC - Gender Recognition Certificate, they are either a legal 'Woman' or a legal 'Man'.

This image is currently being widely circulated in Scotland's mainstream media.

For some reason the greatest pressure appears to be coming from biological 'men' who want to identify as 'women'.

The former Scottish Labour leader John McConnell has publicly stated that he believes that the SNP 's new legislation on 'Trans woman' and 'Gender recognition' will lead to a flood of perverts and sex offenders from across the UK moving to live in Scotland.

This blogger was delighted to hear that the overweight, spluttering SNP leader at Westminster, Ian Blackford has been replaced as the voice of the SNP in the House of Commons.

Above: A suitably dour looking Ian Blackford on the BBC news.

Ian Blackford, Member of Parliament for Ross, Skye and Lochaber - forced to step down as leader of the SNP in the House of Commons by younger SNP activists and MP's.                       What a blow to this SNP blowhards ego.

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