Tuesday 6 December 2022

Time for the SNP to Repay the Scottish tax-payers the £600,000 Squandered on a Hopeless IndyTwo Court Case.

Time for the SNP to Repay the Scottish Tax-payers the £600,000 it Squandered on the IndyTwo Supreme Court Case. 

Come On Nicola - it is time to Divvy Up!

The SNP poured £600,000 into the IndyTwo campaign, most of it spent on the case presented to the Supreme Court. The SNP had stages heavy duty fund-raising towards this campaign in 2017 and 2019, but nothing like £600,000 was raised then.

Word is that the Scottish Tories are urging Police Scotland to get involved   according to mainstream media sources the IndyTwo campaign was run by the SNP as SNP policy but the SNP bank accounts held only £97,000 so where did the rest of that money come from?

And when are the SNP government going to pay it back?

And While they Are At It - What About the money spent on overseas trips to plead the SNP case for 'Scottish Independence- around the European Union and elsewhere?

Apparently the self-styled SNP 'foreign secretary of Scotland' Angus Robertson was pleading with overseas politicians to back the SNP Independence cause even going so far as to tell the Prime Minister of Iceland that the Scottish people were 'poor and oppressed' and 'robbed of their freedom' because Scotland was denied independence from the United Kingdom.

All the trips overseas to plead the SNP case for independence by Angus Robertson were paid for by the Scottish tax-payer, not directly funded by the SNP bank accounts.

Angus Robertson's official title is the SNP Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, but he even refers to himself as the 'foreign secretary of Scotland' but at Holyrood he has been nicknamed "Air Miles Angus".

Does the SNP leadership have no shame?




Strip Clubs to be Outlawed in Edinburgh !

How Woke Can they get ?

What on Earth are Edinburgh City Council thinking ?

Meanwhile back in the real world

Far-Left Extremism Flexes its Marxist Muscles

Bathgate - the weekend of Saturday and Sunday November 26th and 27th 2022.

A White Nationalist Music Event Was Cancelled Under Massive Pressure From System Politicians, Police Scotland and Professional Anti-Racists.

A week of intense background pressure was launched by a London based anti-racist organisation, this is the current strategy by the extreme Left and involves in the Bathgate situation with compliant local politicians, especially in this case from the SNP, Scottish Labour and the Scottish Greens and Lib Dems. In addition they bombard local councils, licensing authorities, brewery companies, pub suppliers and compliant liberal journalists with telephone calls, emails and social media messages to prevent White Nationalist music events.

The background information is still filtering through as to all the details and representatives of British Movement Scotland were due to have been present at this totally legal event.



Listen now on Archive or Odysee

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